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Annual Site Environmental Report

Operations on INL’s desert Site, as well as the ongoing cleanup mission, necessarily involve a commitment to environmental stewardship and full compliance with environmental protection laws and regulations. As part of this commitment, the INL Annual Site Environmental Report (ASER) is prepared annually to inform the public, regulators, stakeholders and other interested parties of the environmental performance at the desert Site during the year.

All sampling is done within INL’s 890-square mile site, under the Department of Energy (DOE), and provide stakeholders the benefit of knowing the long-term trends of samples taken around INL. Integrating the surveillance program, biological programs, and educational programs into INL, will allow for efficiencies within the sampling program and enable the project success.

2022 Idaho National Laboratory Annual Site Environmental Report

The 2022 Idaho National Laboratory Annual Site Environmental Report is an overview of environmental management activities conducted on and in the vicinity of the INL Site from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2022.

This report includes:

  • Effluent monitoring and environmental surveillance of air, water, vegetation, biota and agricultural products for radioactivity. The results are compared with historical data, background measurements and/or applicable standards and requirements in order to verify that the INL Site does not adversely impact the environment or the health of humans or biota.
  • A summary of environmental management systems in place to protect air, water, land and other natural and cultural resources impacted by INL Site operations.
  • Ecological and other scientific research conducted on the INL Site which may be of interest to the reader.

DOE/ID-12082(21), ISSN 1089-5469, INL/RPT-22-68974, September 2022

2021 Report Chapters:

Executive Summary and Helpful Information

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2 – Environmental Compliance Summary

Chapter 3 – Environmental Management System

Chapter 4 – Environmental Monitoring Programs: Air

Chapter 5 – Environmental Monitoring Programs: Liquid Effluents

Chapter 6 – Environmental Monitoring Programs: Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer

Chapter 7 – Environmental Monitoring Programs. Agricultural Products, Wildlife, Soil and Direct Radiation

Chapter 8 – Dose to the Public and Biota

Chapter 9 – Natural and Cultural Resources Conservation and Planning

Chapter 10 – Quality Assurance of Environmental Surveillance Programs

Appendix A – Environmental Statutes and Regulations

Appendix B – Chapter 5 Addendum

Appendix C – Onsite Dosimeter Measurements and Locations

Appendix D – Glossary

2021 Supplemental Reports:

Meteorological Monitoring

Statistical Methods Used in the Idaho National Laboratory Annual Site Environmental Report

Summary of Historical Environmental Monitoring

2021 Technical Reports:

DOSEMM: A Model for Assessment of Airborne Releases and Multimedia Terrestrial Transport and Dose Assessment, Final Report

Attachment to Appendix B: Verification Benchmark Problem

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants – Calendar Year 2021 INL Report for Radionuclides

Total Effective Dose from INL Airborne Releases for the 2021 ASER Report

2021 Quarterly Environmental Reports:

Q1 2021

Q2 2021

Q3 2021

Q4 2021

Program Areas

Environmental Monitoring

The lab’s Environmental Monitoring program performs constant monitoring to check for these contaminants and ensure that the environment is safe for people, wildlife and vegetation. The team collects environmental samples at the desert Site and surrounding areas.

Natural Resources

The INL desert Site consists of 890-square miles of land and is a critical component to the Department of Energy-Idaho’s understanding of environmental resources in southeast Idaho. INL has a natural resources team that provides ecological support for vegetation and wildlife at INL.

Environmental Publications

INL publishes a variety of reports as part of its commitment to environmental stewardship and full compliance with environmental protection laws and regulations. These reports ensure that the lab’s mission can be achieved with little to no impact on the environment, wildlife and vegetation.

Contact Information

Brian Ziel

Phone: (208) 526-4563

Idaho National Laboratory