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Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is seeking a hydropower utility to collaborate on a case study, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO), to understand how small hydroelectric plants operating at 10 megawatts or less can be upgraded to provide emergency power to critical loads (e.g., [...]

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is seeking a hydropower utility to collaborate on a case study, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO), to understand how small hydroelectric plants operating at 10 megawatts or less can be upgraded to provide emergency power to critical loads (e.g., hospitals and emergency service providers) […]

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Each day, roughly 43 million Americans eat at least one slice of pizza, according to experts. The hot, cheesy, Italian-inspired dish contributes a whopping $47 billion to the U.S. economy each year, and about a third of those pies come delivered to their destinations in corrugated cardboard boxes. Even without [...]

Each day, roughly 43 million Americans eat at least one slice of pizza, according to experts. The hot, cheesy, Italian-inspired dish contributes a whopping $47 billion to the U.S. economy each year, and about a third of those pies come delivered to their destinations in corrugated cardboard boxes. Even without the containers used for restaurant […]

Perhaps one of the most ubiquitous and powerful images of the ongoing pollution crisis is that of plastic floating in the ocean or littered across once-paradisiacal sandy beaches. The plastic has grown the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and microplastics found in fish lead to significant health problems and earlier deaths [...]

Perhaps one of the most ubiquitous and powerful images of the ongoing pollution crisis is that of plastic floating in the ocean or littered across once-paradisiacal sandy beaches. The plastic has grown the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and microplastics found in fish lead to significant health problems and earlier deaths for impacted marine life. These […]

United States’ policymakers, auto manufacturers, energy companies and ultimately citizens are investing trillions of dollars into electrifying vehicles. The purpose is to increase new electric vehicle sales to more than 50% of total sales by 2030, helping reduce the nation’s carbon emissions. Now that the money is being spent on [...]

United States’ policymakers, auto manufacturers, energy companies and ultimately citizens are investing trillions of dollars into electrifying vehicles. The purpose is to increase new electric vehicle sales to more than 50% of total sales by 2030, helping reduce the nation’s carbon emissions. Now that the money is being spent on research and development, consumer incentives, […]

On Earth Day of 2021, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) announced an ambitious plan to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2031. At INL, reaching net-zero is a monumental task. The laboratory is essentially a small city that includes roughly 900 square miles of facilities, 600 vehicles, 320 buildings and 6,000 employees. [...]

On Earth Day of 2021, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) announced an ambitious plan to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2031. At INL, reaching net-zero is a monumental task. The laboratory is essentially a small city that includes roughly 900 square miles of facilities, 600 vehicles, 320 buildings and 6,000 employees. Reducing, capturing or offsetting all […]

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Arizona State University (ASU) have agreed to expand their joint efforts in clean energy research for the next five years. An agreement signed in October establishes a framework for both institutions to develop low-carbon processes for the energy and manufacturing sectors. One joint project works [...]

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Arizona State University (ASU) have agreed to expand their joint efforts in clean energy research for the next five years. An agreement signed in October establishes a framework for both institutions to develop low-carbon processes for the energy and manufacturing sectors. One joint project works to improve and decarbonize methods […]

New shared language will facilitate faster service, improve EV user experience The National Charging Experience Consortium (ChargeX) has released a report that recommends 26 common electric vehicle (EV) charging error codes to enable faster error reporting, diagnostics and resolution within the EV charging industry. Ultimately, the codes would improve the [...]

New shared language will facilitate faster service, improve EV user experience The National Charging Experience Consortium (ChargeX) has released a report that recommends 26 common electric vehicle (EV) charging error codes to enable faster error reporting, diagnostics and resolution within the EV charging industry. Ultimately, the codes would improve the U.S. charging experience. The ChargeX […]

As the United States works to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, different energy sectors will require different solutions. Renewables and nuclear energy will help decarbonize electricity production, and the light-duty transportation sector will reduce emissions primarily by switching to electric vehicles. Natural gas will continue to displace coal-fired power [...]

As the United States works to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, different energy sectors will require different solutions. Renewables and nuclear energy will help decarbonize electricity production, and the light-duty transportation sector will reduce emissions primarily by switching to electric vehicles. Natural gas will continue to displace coal-fired power plants as carbon capture and […]

Ninety-seven percent of U.S. dams don’t make electricity. A new tool could help tap that resource. The era of building big dams may be over in the United States, but hydroelectricity still has a significant and untapped role to play in the nation’s energy future. Only 3% of the nation’s [...]

Ninety-seven percent of U.S. dams don’t make electricity. A new tool could help tap that resource. The era of building big dams may be over in the United States, but hydroelectricity still has a significant and untapped role to play in the nation’s energy future. Only 3% of the nation’s approximately 80,000 dams are equipped […]

FELT, Idaho — Idaho National Laboratory (INL) celebrated the ribbon–cutting of its new Microgrid in a Box, which was deployed in partnership with the Fall River Electric Cooperative at its hydropower plant in rural Idaho. Using newly developed technologies, INL researchers demonstrated how hydropower with advanced controls and use of [...]

FELT, Idaho — Idaho National Laboratory (INL) celebrated the ribbon–cutting of its new Microgrid in a Box, which was deployed in partnership with the Fall River Electric Cooperative at its hydropower plant in rural Idaho. Using newly developed technologies, INL researchers demonstrated how hydropower with advanced controls and use of a mobile microgrid, can enable […]

Idaho National Laboratory