STEM Resource Library
Resource Library
Explore what resources INL has to offer through various flipbooks, available in English and Spanish, along with some links to useful resources for educators, students and families.
As students, teachers and parents continue to learn at home, INL’s K-12 Education Program is dedicated to supporting these efforts. A team including 13 dedicated professional educators have been designing and testing lessons that can be used for remote learning. Each new activity is hands-on, aligned with curriculum standards, uses only items commonly found around the house, and is tailored for a specific grade range. Scroll through our “Learning at Home” library to download these lessons.
Here are some Tips and Tricks that may help your student learn at home
Download STEM Lesson Plans for Remote Learning
What’s New

This activity, Wind Anemometer, is geared towards K-6 graders. You will invent an anemometer to record wind speed at your home.

This activity, Soil Science, is geared towards 5-8 graders. You will build your own Winogradsky column using a plastic bottle.

This activity, Water Filtration, is geared towards 1-8 graders. You will make your own water filter.
Ecology and Environmental Science
Learning From Home

Star Wars Tattooine Dome Homes

Baking Soda Rocket Lesson Plan

Elephant Toothpaste Lesson Plan

Make an Alka-Seltzer Powered Lava Lamp Lesson Plan

Generate Electricity with a Lemon Battery Lesson Plan

Lesson Plans
View resources helpful to educators
What’s New

Idaho National Laboratory has been a longtime sponsor of Science Trek, the 21-year-old Idaho Public Television show aimed at bringing elementary school students up to speed on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

The American Nuclear Society and Discovery Education are providing the highest standard in nuclear science education with Navigating Nuclear: Energizing Our WorldTM. This new, dynamic, standards-aligned program invites students to explore the many applications of nuclear science and its impact on energy, healthcare, food, and the environment through an interactive suite of FREE middle school classroom resources.
View resources useful to students
What’s New

Idaho National Laboratory has been a longtime sponsor of Science Trek, the 21-year-old Idaho Public Television show aimed at bringing elementary school students up to speed on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

The American Nuclear Society and Discovery Education are providing the highest standard in nuclear science education with Navigating Nuclear: Energizing Our WorldTM. This new, dynamic, standards-aligned program invites students to explore the many applications of nuclear science and its impact on energy, healthcare, food, and the environment through an interactive suite of FREE middle school classroom resources.
View resources useful to families
What’s New

View the Idaho STEM Action Center Resource Portal for access to helpful online STEM resources for students and families.

Spanish-language STEM resources are incredibly important for teachers, students, and families. Here are six free CTIA (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, y matemáticas) educational collections and resources that may be useful.

Idaho National Laboratory has been a longtime sponsor of Science Trek, the 21-year-old Idaho Public Television show aimed at bringing elementary school students up to speed on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).