Cyber-Informed Engineering
Managing Cyber Risk from Concept to Operation
Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE) builds tools for high-level implementation into curriculum, design standards, certification and curriculum accreditation.
CIE deepens the cybersecurity protections for critical infrastructure by providing guidance to allow defenses from cyberattack to be engineered in from the early design life cycle of infrastructure systems. It provides additional mechanisms to mitigate the worst consequences of cyberattack and leverages digitally based defenses prioritized by the consequences of cyberattack to the process and infrastructure of the critical infrastructure asset owner. CIE provides a framework for a change in philosophy and engineering practices for system design to proactively secure existing infrastructure and build novel future technology designed to withstand the modern and future cyber-adversary.
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) sponsors INL CIE initiatives and coordinates the CIE program that includes INL; the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and industry, academic, and other partners in support of the Department of Energy’s National Cyber-informed Engineering Strategy, and the National Cybersecurity Strategy.
Managing Cyber Risk from Concept to Operation
Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE) is a strategic initiative championed by Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to integrate cybersecurity into engineering practices for critical infrastructure. Supported by the DOE’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER), INL leads in implementing the national strategy by developing engineering tools, standards, and educational resources that prioritize cybersecurity in infrastructure design and operation.
INL’s key contributions to CIE include:
- A 200-member CIE Community of Practice for collaboration and knowledge exchange.
- A CIE Implementation Guide and Resource Library to facilitate the adoption of CIE practices.
- Partnerships with academic and industry stakeholders to incorporate CIE into engineering programs and infrastructure projects.
INL’s efforts ensure that infrastructure is designed with inherent defenses against cyber threats, enhancing the resilience of energy systems against potential attacks.
Implementing the Cyber-Informed Engineering Strategy
CIE Resource Library
CIE Implementation Guide
CIE Resource Library
CIE Implementation Guide
CIE Analysis Tool
CIE Microgrid Analysis Tool
National Cyber-Informed Engineering Strategy
The U.S. Department of Energy’s National CIE Strategy guides energy sector efforts to incorporate cybersecurity practices into the design life cycle of engineered systems to reduce cyber risk.
National Cybersecurity Strategy
The Department of Energy’s National CIE Strategy was highlighted in the National Cyber Strategy, published in March 2023 to ensure proactive cybersecurity for our clean energy future.
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan
CIE is integral to the nation’s National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan. In section 4.4.3, DOE announces an initiative to build and refine training, tools, and support for engineers and technicians using Cyber-informed Engineering principles.
Second Wednesday of January, April, July, and October 9 a.m. MT / 11 a.m. ET quarterly
Standards Working Group
First Wednesday at 9 a.m. MT / 11 a.m. ET monthly
Education Working Group
Third Wednesday at 9 a.m. MT / 11 a.m. ET monthly
Development Working Group
Fourth Wednesday at 9 a.m. MT / 11 a.m. ET monthly
CIE Highlights
DOE adds two new resources to advance awareness, implementation of CIE in energy sector
Is the U.S. Government’s Cyber Informed Engineering Implementation Guide the long-awaited breakthrough in CIP?
Meaningful strides possible with CIE and CCE methodologies across industrial cybersecurity landscape
CIE and CCE methodologies can deliver engineered industrial systems for holistic system cybersecurity
CISA Cybersecurity Summit 2021
Cyber Informed Engineering
October 27, 2021
Zach Tudor, Associate Lab Director, National and Homeland Security Idaho National Laboratory
Cyber-informed Engineering Perspective Needed for Cyber-defense
S&P Global Platts
February 1, 2021
Article by Ingrid Lexova
Stop Passing the Buck on Cybersecurity
By Jen Easterly and Eric Goldstein
DOE Press Release
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE) Strategy Document
Meaningful strides possible with CIE and CCE methodologies across industrial cybersecurity landscape
CIE Is the WHAT and CCE Is a HOW
The Department of Energy and INL have developed a framework to guide the application of cybersecurity principles across the engineering design life cycle. The Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE) framework and body of knowledge drives the inclusion of cybersecurity as a foundational element of risk management for engineering of functions aided by digital technology. Consequence-Driven Cyber-Informed Engineering (CCE) is a rigorous process for applying CIE’s core principles to a specific organization, facility, or mission by identifying the most critical functions, and the methods and means an adversary would likely use to manipulate or compromise them, to determine the most effective means of removing or mitigating those risks.
CIE emphasizes “engineering out” potential risk in key areas, as well as ensuring resiliency and response maturity within the design of the engineered system. The following CIE framework shows some of the key focus areas and how they relate to the CCE methodology. CCE walks an organization through core components of CIE in CCE’s four-phase process to evaluate and remove or mitigate weaknesses in their critical functions.
U.S. Senate Committee: Testimony
Testimony of Virginia Wright, Program Manager for Cyber-Informed Engineering,
Idaho National Laboratory Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Water and Power Oversight hearing to examine the federal and non-federal role of assessing cyber threats and vulnerabilities of critical water infrastructure in our energy sector.
CIE Practitioner Workshop Videos
The CIE Practitioners’ Workshop equips engineers and cybersecurity experts with strategies to embed “secure-by-design” principles into the foundation of cyber-physical systems. It catalyzes a cultural shift towards early cyber risk mitigation in design and operations, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to fortify critical infrastructures.
Auburn University Hosts Energy Security: Cyber-informed Engineering
INL’s Zach Tudor and other industry leaders discussed this CIE strategy, why it matters and how you can help with implementation.
Fermilab Colloquium 2016
Cyber-informed engineering is a body of knowledge and methodologies to characterize and mitigate risks presented by the introduction of digital technology in this formerly analog environment. It is focused on applying traditional engineering techniques informed by an awareness of cybersecurity threat and mitigation methods. This talk described how managers and engineers can participate in mitigating cybersecurity risk in engineering projects throughout the design and installation life cycle.
Resilience Week CIE Presentation
Oct. 19-23, 2020
By Virginia Wright
Better Securing the Now and the Next: Applying Engineering Base Principles to Achieve Demonstrably Better Cybersecurity.
Presented by Andy Bochman and Virginia Wright
CIE – Domestic Nuclear Cyber
An introduction of CIE and how it pertains to nuclear energy and cybersecurity.
By Virginia Wright