National Security Test Range

Understanding and Mitigating Emerging Challenges on the Battlefield

The nation requires advanced tools and techniques to ensure the safety of our warfighters. Idaho National Laboratory‘s National Security Test Range provides access to capabilities to understand and mitigate emerging challenges faced on the battlefield.

The range supports a wide variety of full-scale and practical testing opportunities for the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, National Nuclear Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security, and other federal and industrial collaborators. Located about 45 miles west of Idaho Falls, INL’s exceptional geography includes 330 acres of isolated desert terrain with eight dedicated test ranges, tactical facilities and restricted airspace that allow research to be conducted safely and securely.

The lab’s national and homeland security expertise spans ballistics, explosives and barrier testing, current breaching strategies, high-performance modeling and simulation capabilities, and classified program support. The National Security Test Range is home to comprehensive research and testing capabilities that are flexible and adaptable to meet custom requirements.


Advanced Testing Experience

Dynamic Scientific Measuring

  • Pressure (free-field, incident, transmitted), acceleration, force, strain, velocity, penetration
  • High-Speed Data Acquisition
    • Hi-techniques meDAQ, 16 ch, 2MS/sec/ch, PC controlled
    • National Instruments/PCB, 2 PXI chassis, 96 ch each, 60MS/sec/ch, extensible
  • High Speed Photography and Advanced Flash X-ray
    • Phantom cameras – models V7-V12
    • L3 Titan FXR system, four heads, 450keV, multi-trigger orthogonal view

Prototyping and Characterization

Computer Simulation

National Security Training and Exercises

Idaho National Laboratory