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Industrial Cybersecurity Community Of Practice (ICSCOP)

Building A Workforce For The Future

The community of practice (COP) brings together professionals focused on industrial cybersecurity (ICS) education, training and workforce development efforts throughout government, academia, and industry. The foundation of the group leverages INL’s existing ICS experience, research and training to:

  • INTEGRATE  stakeholders and practitioners with similar interest in a consolidated framework,
  • DEVELOP common views on career pathways in operational technology (OT) cybersecurity, and
  • MAP foundational pedagogical paradigms to educate and train our workforce.

Over 3,000,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs
globally in 2021.

– Cybersecurity Ventures


Over 90% of the national control systems cybersecurity workforce needs are NOT being met.


Community of Practice Governance

For more focused discussions and collaboration, the COP is divided into the following working groups:

Workforce Pipeline Development and Career Pathways
Developing a talent pipeline for the current workforce and creating a faster cybersecurity educational pipeline for the future workforce.
Shane Stailey, Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
Roger Plothow, Idaho Business for Education

Standards Development and Hands-On Instruction
Developing educational standards and more accessible hands-on instruction for industrial control systems cybersecurity.
Sean McBride, Idaho State University
Carl Schuett, QED Secure Solutions

Steering Committee Members

Wayne Austad – Chief Technology Officer for the National and Homeland Security Directorate at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Chief R&D Officer for CyManII, a Manufacturing USA institute focused on economically viable and pervasive cybersecurity in automation and supply chain.

Diana Burley – Vice Provost for Research at American University (AU) where she is also Professor of Public Administration and Policy and Professor of IT & Analytics. Dr. Burley is a cybersecurity expert who regularly conducts cybersecurity training for executives across North America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East on managing cybersecurity risk, assessing the threat environment, and strengthening organizational cybersecurity posture.

Frank Cilluffo – Director of Auburn University’s McCrary Institute for Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Security. Cilluffo is a member of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission and the Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Council, and he’s routinely called upon to advise senior officials in the executive branch, U.S. Armed Services, and state and local governments on an array of matters related to national and homeland security strategy and policy.

Drew Hamilton – Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Director of MSU’s Center for Cyber Innovation. Previously he served as Alumni Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Auburn University where he established Auburn’s Cyber Security program. He is a Fellow and former President of the Society for Modeling & Simulation, International (SCS), and former Chair of ACM’s Special Interest Group on Simulation (SIGSIM).


Sean McBride – Industrial Cybersecurity Program Coordinator within the College of Technology at Idaho State University and Joint Appointee with Idaho National Laboratory. Within Idaho State University’s Energy Systems Technology Education Center (ESTEC) and functioning as a joint appointee with the Idaho National Laboratory, Sean McBride infuses engineering technology students with critical cybersecurity skills.

Ida Ngambeki – Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Technology at Purdue University. She is the Executive Director of the Purdue Cybersecurity Education Training Network and Resources and Director of the Cybersecure Behavior Lab. Dr. Ngambeki graduated from Smith College with a B.S. in Engineering and from Purdue University with a PhD. in Engineering Education.

Amy Shaw – Director of Compliance, Risk and Security at Idaho Power Company. As Idaho Power’s Compliance, Risk & Security Director, Amy oversees the teams focused on the risk management, cyber security, physical security, regulatory compliance, and environmental compliance activities of the company. 

Shane Stailey – Senior Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Professional and Training and Opportunities Lead at Idaho National Laboratory in the National and Homeland Security directorate. Shane has three decades of success in learning, teaching, broadening, and applying information across multiple business streams with a spectrum of technical variety.

Eleanor Taylor – Cybercore Integration Center Program Manger at Idaho National Laboratory. Eleanor leads university partnerships in ICS for Idaho, the region and nationally.

Workshop Information

Registration Information

Thursday, November 30, 2023
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM MST
(12:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST)

Virtual online event
Once registration is confirmed, virtual links and information will follow.

To Register: CLICK HERE



DEADLINE: November 26, 2023
NOTE: This Workshop is limited to 300 active participants. Registration will go to viewing only once limit is met.

Previous Workshops

industrial cybersecurity community of practice workshop 2022

Spring 2023

May 13, 2023
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM MT

industrial cybersecurity community of practice workshop 2022

Fall 2022

November 17, 2022
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM MT

Industrial Cybersecurity workshop

Spring 2022

May 19, 2022
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM MT

ICS Education and Training Workshop

Fall 2021

November 18, 2021
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM MT

Industrial cybersecurity workforce workshop

Spring 2021

Tuesday, May 18, 2021
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM MST

Industrial cybersecurity workforce workshop, national and homeland security, homeland security, national security, nhs, n&hs, critical infrastructure, security research

Fall 2020

November 10, 2020
9 AM – 3:30 PM MST


Cyber-CHAMP© ICSJWG Presentation

Many organizations are not sure where to start in improving cybersecurity and/or ICS cybersecurity.  There is a lack of an ICS workforce structure where associated cyber functions and roles are well defined.  There is also a need to increase ICS workforce cybersecurity competency and understand how and why it is important.

The CYBER-CHAMP© model can be applied to any role within any organization, and the outcomes will be:

  • Current ICS Cybersecurity progression
  • Roadmap for improvement
  • ICS Cybersecurity workforce profile – current and future needs
  • ICS competency health – the current state of cybersecurity workforce
  • Learning paths by role
  • Continuous improvement program
Building an Industrial Cybersecurity Workforce

This is the first in a series of guidebooks dedicated to the important topic of developing an industrial cybersecurity workforce. Other publications will include “A Human Resources Guide” for Human Resource (HR) personnel seeking to ensure the effectiveness of industrial cybersecurity personnel, and “A Career Development Guide” for individuals seeking to develop industrial cybersecurity competencies.

This guide will aid managers in answering four pivotal questions:

  • Are you ready to build an industrial cybersecurity team?
  • How do you structure your industrial cybersecurity team?
  • What does you industrial cybersecurity team need to know?
  • What does your industrial cybersecurity team need to do?


ICS Community of Practice

NHS Workforce Development

Julia Townsend

Idaho National Laboratory