Integrated Testing and Exercises

Center for Securing Digital Energy Technology

Idaho National Laboratory is positioned to support a wide variety of full-scale and practical testing opportunities for federal and industrial collaborators. INL’s has a campus in Idaho Falls and an isolated 890-square mile Site located about 45 miles west of Idaho Falls. The Site’s unparalleled geography includes several dedicated test ranges and available airspace that allows research to be conducted safely and securely.

Energy technology proving ground

This proving ground will support maturation of integrated-energy-system technologies through a plug-and-play model. This will allow government research programs and industry partners to model, test, and validate the performance of new technologies—from early development to pre-commercial deployment—while establishing a pathway to achieve a net-zero INL campus and decarbonize industries and municipalities across the nation.

This test bed wireless and telecommunications has technical expertise, systems, and environments to enable

  • Testing and demonstration of wireless systems and equipment.
  • Development of and training in tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Testing platforms that include a control strategy module that accommodates a variety of approaches for managing EVs and stationary energy storage at charging stations as controllable loads on the grid.

Collaborative exercise: DOE-CESER Liberty Eclipse program

A full-scale, annual cybersecurity preparedness exercise that brings together federal partners, and operational technology (OT) and cybersecurity experts from the energy sector to validate the security and defense of their systems, plans, policies, and procedures.

Idaho National Laboratory