b'TALENT PIPELINE: PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS:Xinchang Zhang, postdoc at INL, Xinchang Zhang, Ryann E. Rupp, Jorgen Rufner, Michael D. McMurtrey, Electric-converted to staff Field-Assisted Diffusion Welding to Fabricate Alloy 617 Compact Heat Exchangers, Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 17-22, 2023, V04AT06A005. Xinchang Zhang, Michael D. McMurtrey, Ryann E. Bass, Tate Patterson, Ninad Mohale, Thomas M. Lillo, Jorgen F. Rufner, Enhanced Diffusion Bonding of Alloy 617 using Electric Field-Assisted Sintering, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023.Xinchang Zhang, Ryann Rupp, Jorgen Rufner, Michael McMurtrey, The Coupled Effect of Temperature and Electric Field on Diffusion Welding of Alloy 617 via Electric Field Assisted Sintering, Materials Science and Technology Technical Meeting and Exhibition, October 9-12, 2022.Jorgen Rufner, Xinchang Zhang, Michael McMurtrey, Andrew Gorman, Tate Patterson, Ryann Bass, Microstructure and Elevated-Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Alloy 617 Diffusion Welded by Electric Field-Assisted Sintering, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 16-21, 2023.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:US Patent Application No. 63/269,302, 2022. Material Joining Process for the Fabrication of Articles, and Related Articles, 2022.US Patent Application No. 18/183,513. Methods of Forming Articles by Applying Electric Current and Pressure to Materials, and Related Articles, 2023.Microstructure (a, c, e) and grain size statistics (b, d, f) of diffusion welded alloy 617 fabricated by EFAS at (a, b) 1150C-10MPa-30min, (c, d) 1150C-20MPa-30min, and (e, f) 1150C-30MPa-30min. Substantial grain boundary migration across the diffusion weld interface was achieved. 99'