b'Researchers give tours and explain their work to visitors like Vanessa Chan, Chief Commercialization Officer at the Department of Energy.Core CapabilitiesINL creates a discovery and solution driven research, development,These core capabilities are sustained and enhanced through INLs and demonstration environment through unique experimentalLDRD projects. To demonstrate that the emerging core capabilities systems, infrastructure, and fundamental engineering andare intrinsic at INL, the LDRD program added the third emerging science capabilities. Of the 25 core capabilities foundationalcore capability as a strategic scientific initiativeComputational to DOEs mission and shared across the national laboratories,Scienceto the two that the program added in 2022Chemical DOE acknowledges that INL has 15 core capabilities and threeand Molecular Science and Condensed Matter Physics and emerging core capabilities. These core capabilities represent aMaterials Science. Of the 59 projects highlighted in this report, comprehensive science and engineering skill set that extends38 demonstrated one or more emerging core capabilities. across a continuum, connecting basic and applied research toThroughout this report, icons will indicate the core capabilities develop, test, demonstrate, and validate technologies at scale,supported by LDRD projects.speeding deployment and reducing risks.Accelerator and Detector Chemical and Earth and Energy SystemsNuclear andScience and Technology Molecular Science** and Infrastructure AnalysisRadio Chemistry*and EngineeringAdvanced Computer Science,Chemical NuclearVisualization, and Data* Engineering* Earth, Environmental, andEngineering*Atmospheric Science*Applied Materials Science Computational Nuclear& Engineering* Science** Isotope Science andPhysicsEngineering*Applied Condensed Matter Physics Particle mathematics and Materials Science** Large-Scale User Facilities/ PhysicsR&D Facilities/Advanced Biological and Cyber and Instrumentation* Plasma and FusionBioprocess Engineering* Information Sciences* Energy Sciences*Mechanical Design and Biological Systems Decision Science Engineering* Power Systems andScience and Analysis* Electrical Engineering*Microelectronics *INL** EmergingSystems Engineering10 and Integration*'