b'A dynamic single bubblerDynamic single bubbler technique improves tank level for nuclear materialand density measurements and reduces overall cost for accountancy measurementsnuclear safeguards in bulk nuclear facilities.in bulk liquids I n nuclear fuel recycling, special nuclear materials are present in aqueous/organic and molten salts/molten metals liquids that require monitoring to ensure nonproliferation and safeguards of material. The industry standard for level and density measurements in nuclear reprocessing plants is a double bubbler system that relies on precision manufacturing and detailed calibration and recalibration for accuracy. The main objective of this project was to develop a dynamic single bubbler technology that is not dependent on precision manufacturing or calibration for high accuracy PROJECT NUMBER:and reliability. The approach was to develop a dynamic single bubbler experimental 22P1065-019FP test system, perform proof-of-concept testing, and optimize it in room temperature solutions and high temperature molten salts. Testing of the system in water and TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:mineral oil (immiscible fluids) demonstrated that the dynamic single bubbler approach $125,000 over 1 year can accurately identify the surface level position, the liquid-liquid interface between PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:immiscible fluids, and the density of each phase to within 1% uncertainty without Ammon Williams any prior calibration. Furthermore, tests were conducted with 11 different dip-tube geometries, and the density results were the same (standard deviation of 0.06%), CO-INVESTIGATOR: indicating the approach is not reliant on precision manufacturing or calibration for Tae-Sic Yoo, INLaccuracy. Tests were also performed in mixing tanks, and less than 1% uncertainties were achievable for Reynolds numbers less than 50,000 and 5% uncertainty for 50,000 Reynolds numbers 100,000. Finally, experiments were performed in solutions containing a density gradient. The corresponding density gradient can be estimated using the dynamic single bubbler approach. Results from this project are first-of-their-kind and have the potential to simplify level and density measurements and reduce overall cost for nuclear safeguards in bulk nuclear facilities. In addition, the dynamic single bubbler technology has already caught the attention of DOE Office of Nuclear Energy Materials Protection, Accounting, and Controls Technology program and is being funded in fiscal year 2024.PRESENTATION:Ammon. N. Williams, Tae-Sic Yoo, Anthony Bessler, Optimization of a Dynamic Single Bubbler in Immiscible Fluids for Nuclear Safeguards Applications, ANS Winter Meeting, November 13-17, 2022.Plot of the measured dip-tube pressure versus the dip-tube depth in a crucible containing immiscible fluids A and B. The density of each fluid is found using linear regression while the surface and liquid-liquid interface levels are determined from pressure 68 spikes and the y-intercept.'