b'SECURE AND RESILIENTCYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMSRisks to our nations critical infrastructure from cyberattacks to natural disasters are on the rise, and our dependence on digitally connected devices has made us increasingly vulnerable to cyber sabotage. The laboratory has a deep understanding of the cybersecurity and engineering processes needed to secure digitally connected systems. Our unmatched expertise combined with our one-of-a-kind facilities enable the pursuit of the following strategic priorities: (1) formalizing and scaling Cyber-Informed Engineering and science; (2) strengthening A researcher checks the status of cellularall-hazards physical and cyber critical infrastructure servers at INLs wireless test range. resilience, including security of the digital supply chain; (3)accelerating externally focused workforce development efforts and strengthening talent pipelines through new collaborative research programs and education models; (4) innovating for enduring control systems cybersecurity; and (5) securing wireless communications and dynamic spectrum sharing as a key enabler to critical systems.111'