b'TALENT PIPELINE: PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS:Debtanu Maiti, postdoc, INL, Tian, Y., Benedict, Z., Li, F., Yang, Y., Maiti, D., Wang, Y., Fushimi, R., Carbon-converted to staffAssisted, Continuous Syngas Production in a Chemical Looping Scheme,Yuan Tian, student Topics in Catalysis (2023) 1-13. at North Carolina State University Wang, Y., Tian, Y., Fushimi, R., Continuous Syngas Production from a New Zoe Benedict, student at University of Maine Chemical Looping Concept to Balance Power Dynamics in Integrated Energy System, Waste-to-Value: Towards Green and Circular Economy (WAVE2022), August 25-26, 2022.Benedict, Z., Ifkithar, S., Maiti, D., Wang, Y., Li, F., Yang, Y., Fushimi, R., Chemical looping conversion of CH 4 /CO 2to syngas on 5wt.%Ni/Ce 0.6 Zr 0.4 O 2catalyst: Impact of dynamic accumulation of surface carbon and oxygen vacancies, Northwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, June 28-30, 2023. Maiti, D., Benedict, Z., Kunz, M.R., Ifkithar, S., Wang, Y., Li, F., Yang, Y., Fushimi, R., Dynamic modulation of surface carbon and oxygen vacancies for sustained chemical looping production of syngas on 5wt.%Ni/Ce 0.6 Zr 0.4 O 2catalyst, Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers,November 5-10, 2023. AWARD:Best poster award, 37th Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Catalysis Society,Salt Lake City, UT, April 30, 2023.85'