b'Researchers study ways to purify specific target metals from a complex matrix of undesirable contaminants.Chemical andIntrinsic bonding and reactivity of actinide clusters 126Molecular ScienceInvestigation of molecular and interfacial processes of 124 the electrocatalytic conversion of nitrogen to ammonia under ambient conditions using rare earth element and room temperature ionic liquid-based system 128Investigating the mobility of rare earth element ligand complexes in an electric field for selective separation 130Development, characterization, and testing of solid-state electrolytes for batteries 132Condensed MatterPhase stability of yttrium titanium oxides 136Physics and Point defects in uranium dioxide by density Materials sciencefunctional theory Hubbard model: defect local 134 environment and occupation matrix control 138Investigation of stability in the uranium-zirconium intermetallic compound 140Electronic and transport properties of single-crystalline neptunium telluride 141Thermal diffusivity measurement in nano-crystalline oxides using laser assisted atom probe tomography 1427'