b'INTEGRATEDENERGY SYSTEMSA new paradigm in integrated, clean energy generation, storage, delivery and end-use, differing from traditional single generation sources, is under development to create a net-zero future. Innovating to harness nuclear heat, electricity, energy storage, hydrogen, and carbon helps us accelerate the creation of a clean energy economy while enhancing the reliability, resiliency, and affordability of grid services and industrial processes. The lab delivers integrated energy systems solutions by: (1) developing an integrated multiple-megawatt, demonstration-scale capability needed for net-zero; (2) demonstrating high-efficiency thermalResearchers study ways to produce energy use from nuclear and renewable sources for highgreen hydrogen using electrochemical temperature electrolysis-based hydrogen production andcellmembranes.industrial applications; (3) enabling a sustainable, resilient, and reliable clean energy grid through advanced control systems, virtual and physical hardware testing, and microgrid demonstrations; (4) developing novel low-carbon chemical and industrial processes for clean fuels and chemical synthesis, carbon capture, and improved process dynamics; and (5) enhancing digital tools and approaches to optimize and secure integrated energy systems operations.72'