b'TALENT PIPELINE: PRESENTATION:Chiara Genoni, student at Politecnico di Milano C. Genoni, K. A. Gamble, F. Cappia, C. E. Christen, S. Kwon, K. K. Bawane, Modeling Tommaso Bergomi, student at and Measurement of Axial Gas Transport in Nuclear Fuels, in Transactions of the ANS Politecnico di Milano Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 2023.(a) (b)(c) (d)Figure 1: (a) top view of thermal quenched pellet, (b) image analysis of a single x-ray computed tomography slice, (c) three-dimensional reconstruction of pellet from hundreds of two-dimensional images, (d) best-fit curves including and excluding the Forchheimer coefficient in the model for test tube 1 at an initial pressure of 4.3 MPa. The Forchheimer coefficient accounts for turbulent gas flow.29'