b'Porous stainless steel 316L specimens with poor bulk mechanical properties were printed via laser powder bed fusion. The roles of oxide inclusions on the mechanical properties were deconvoluted from the dominant effects of porosity by using micro scale tensile testing capabilities coupled with in situ digital image correction.PRESENTATIONS:Guo, X., Wang, Y., Frankel, G.S., Small-Scale Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel, TMS Annual Conference,March 19-23, 2023.Howard., B. C., Wang, Y., et al., Testing Nuclear Structural Materials at Relevant Stress States and Reactor Operation Temperatures, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Materials Research Facility: Facility for the Structural Characterization of materials for Nuclear Applications operating at high Temperatures Commissioning Event, April 12-15, 2023.107'