b'CHEMICAL ANDMOLECULAR SCIENCEDOE defines the chemical and molecular science core capability as the ability to conduct experimental, theoretical, and computational research to fundamentally understand chemical change and energy flow in molecular systems that provide a basis for the development of new processes for the generation, storage, and use of energy and for mitigation of the environmental impacts of energy use. INL scientists advance basic research of radiation and actinide chemistry, energy delivery systems, advanced and critical materials, clean water, renewable chemicals, transient kinetic analysis, and chemical separations. Of the 17 projects in this report that support chemical and molecular science, this core capability was the primary focusResearchers investigate methods of chemical of the four projects in this section. Researchers studiedseparation to assist in decarbonizing the bonding and reactivity of gas phase actinide clusters,many sectors, includingelectronics.the molecular and interfacial processes of converting nitrogen to ammonia, the mobility and separation of rare earth element ligand complexes, and the characterization of solid-state electrolytes for high-energy lithium metal batteries. Projects highlighted in other areas of thisreport used this capability to study thermal energy storage, molten salt irradiation, uranium recovery from tristructural isotropic fuel particles, benzene and olefin production, and other areas relevant to INLs mission. 124'