b'TALENT PIPELINE: PRESENTATION:Corey Efaw, Russell L. Heath C. M. Efaw, B.-R. Chen, B. Park, P. L. Barnes, B. Liaw, E. J. Dufek, and B. Li, Postdoctoral Fellow at INL Examining Electrochemical and Mechanical Behavior of Amorphous and Crystalline Sulfide-Based Solid-State Electrolytes, The 243rd Electrochemical Society Meeting, May 29June, 2023. (Left) X-ray diffraction analysis of sample #16 sulfide-based solid-state electrolyte as a function of time during dry ball milling. The peaks identified (*) indicate crystalline features to the solid-state electrolyte, which fade with increased milling time. Visual images of the solid-state electrolyte powder and milling media after each increment of time are color-coordinated to the resulting x-ray diffraction spectra. (Right) Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of different milled solid-state electrolyte samples with varying milling parameters. Percent amorphous character is included for each sample on the right. Visual images of solid-state electrolyte powder and pellets are shown with color coordination to the spectra and percent amorphous character. Amorphous character was determined by Lorentzian fitting of the identified peaks in the spectra, where lithium sulfide corresponds to crystalline contribution and lithium thiophosphate corresponds to amorphous contribution.133'