b'Schematic representation of autonomous control framework for heat pipe microreactors (top) and adaptive model predictive controller approach to load following under heat pipe failure condition.B. Poudel, L. Lin, T. Phillips, S. Eggers, V. Agarwal, T. McJunkin, Operational Resilience of Nuclear-Renewable Integrated-Energy Microgrids, Energies, 15(3), pp.789, 2022.L. Lin, Development of a Nearly Autonomous Management and Control System for Advanced Reactors Workshop of Scientific Machine Learning for Nuclear Engineering Applications, International Conference on Physics of Reactors,May 15-20, 2022.L. Lin, J. Lee, B. Poudel, T. McJunkin, N. Dinh, V. Agarwal, 2021, Enhancing the Operational Resilience of Advanced Reactors with Digital Twins by Recurrent Neural Networks, Resilience Week, 2021.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:Linyu, L., Oncken, J., and Agarwal, V. Autonomous Controls fOr Reactor techNologies (ACORN), copyright to Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC, 2023. (https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1985994).38'