b'Computed defect formation energy and charge states as functions of Fermi energy in uranium dioxide, using generalized gradient approximation (GGA)+U (U=4eV). Uranium vacancy (V U ), oxygen vacancy (V O ), and oxygen interstitial (O I ) were computed using different magnetic orders, including ferromagnetic (FM), 1k antiferromagnetic (AFM), and 3k AFM states with and without spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Non-trivial differences are observed among different magnetic orders and the use of SOC, showing the magnetic orders and SOC have non-trivial effects on the formation of intrinsic defects in uranium dioxide.TALENT PIPELINE: PRESENTATION:Shuxiang Zhou, Glenn T. SeaborgS. Zhou, H. Ma, E. Xiao, K. Gofryk, C. Jiang, M. E. Manley, D. H. Hurley, C. A. Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow,Marianetti, DFT+U in Uranium Dioxide: Occupation Matrix Control and Phonons, converted to staff TMS 2023 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, March 19-23, 2023. Invited talk.139'