b"Over the past five years, INL's LDRD portfolio has experiencedlaboratory's core capabilities, aligning seamlessly with our five remarkable growth, surging by nearly 75% from $27 million inscience and technology initiatives:fiscal year 2019 (FY-19) to an impressive $47 million in FY-23.1. Nuclear Reactor Sustainment and Expanded DeploymentThis trajectory is a testament to the exceptional quality and2. Integrated Fuel Cycle Solutionsvalue of the proposals submitted by our researchers. However,3. Integrated Energy Systemsthe increasing number of innovative ideas now surpasses the4. Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Extreme Environmentsbudgetary constraints, prompting us to strategically consider5. Secure and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systemsfuture funding allocation.The expansion of the LDRD program is evident not only inIn addition to the emphasis on our strategic initiatives, the report its financial scope but also in the number of projects andfeatures dedicated sections for our continued investments in their respective budgets. In FY-23, we managed 140 activebasic science, emphasizing our emerging capabilities in Chemical projects, representing a notable 20% increase from the 105and Molecular Science, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials active projects in FY-19. Remarkably, the average funding perScience, and Computational Science.project has surged by more than 38%, escalating from $236k/ The 59 projects concluded in fiscal year 2023, highlighted in this project in FY-19 to $327k/project in FY-23. As we look forward,report, represent a glimpse into the extraordinary breadth and mindful of the multi-year nature of many projects, we take thedepth of leading-edge science, technology, and engineering implications on follow-on year funding into account. Our strategicendeavors ongoing at INL. I invite you to explore this report vision includes sustained growth for the LDRD program and anthoroughly, discovering first-hand how INL's LDRD portfolio expanded portfolio, allowing us to support a broader array of thenot only fosters innovation but also nurtures researcher talent, exceptional proposals that continually cross our desks. propelling us closer to realizing our vision of transforming the INL's mission unfolds through comprehensive research andworld's energy future and safeguarding our critical infrastructure.development spanning the spectrum from basic science toYour engagement in this exploration and providing feedback applied science, engineering demonstration, and impactfulis invaluable as we collectively strive to make meaningful deployment. The LDRD portfolio is integral to advancing thecontributions to the advancement of science and technology.With warmest regards, Marianne Walck INL LDRD Funding in Millions$50Projected$40 Nuclear Reactor Sustainmentand Expanded DeploymentIntegrated Fuel Cycle Solutions$30 Integrated Energy SystemsMillionAdvanced Materials and $20 Manufacturing for Extreme EnvironmentsSecure and Resilient$10 Cyber-Physical SystemsEmerging Core Capabilities and $0 Net-Zero Carbon Initiatives FY-19FY-20FY-21FY-22FY-23FY-24 3"