b'LDRD OVERVIEWI n 1991, The United States Congress approved a DOEDOE LDRD recommendation to establish the LDRD program as a means forOBJECTIVESthe national laboratories to devote a small portion (maximum of 6%) of their research effort to creative and innovative workSCIENTIFIC ANDto maintain their scientific and technical vitality in disciplinesTECHNICAL VITALITY relevant to energy and national security missions. The LDRDAdvance the frontiers of science,program serves as a proving ground for advanced research andtechnology, and engineering.development concepts that may not be otherwise pursuedWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT through direct programmatic funding sources.Attract, retain, and develop tomorrows The objectives of the LDRD program are to 1) maintain INLsscientific and technical workforce.scientific and technical vitality, 2) enhance INLs ability to addressMISSION AGILITY current and future DOE missions, 3) foster creativity and stimulateEnable agile responses toexploration of forefront areas of science and technology, 4) servenational security, energy, and as a proving ground for new research and development concepts,environmental challenges.and 5) support high-risk, potentially high-value research and development.INLs LDRD PortfolioINLs diverse LDRD portfolio explores a range of scientific andThe strategic hire fund supports mid to late careerengineering concepts through technically sound, innovative,researchers, providing opportunities to advance their scientific and novel research projects. The LDRD program stimulatesleadership while advancing INLs mission.exploration in basic and applied science and engineering. TheThe INL LDRD program budget increased from $40M in fiscal year LDRD portfolio comprises four investment components that are2022 to $47M in fiscal year 2023. Of the 140 active projects in continually aligned with INLs vision, mission, and science andfiscal year 2023, 59 concluded and are highlighted in this report. technology initiatives.To increase the value and impact, the program began setting The strategic research and development fund supports researchexpectations that researchers should have at least one peer that advances INLs science and technology initiatives.reviewed publication for each $200k of LDRD project funding. The seed fund supports high impact, innovative research that isThis is part of INLs overall strategy to continue strengthening its aligned with INLs mission, even if not explicitly aligned with abasic and applied research excellence culture. Intellectual property science and technology initiative.generation is also important to INLs research excellence, including The distinguished postdoc fund supports early careerinvention disclosures, software disclosures, patent applications, researchers in INLs three distinguished postdoctoral fellowships,copyrights, and licenses.providing them leadership opportunities while they conduct leading edge research that supports INLs mission. 8'