b'Shock wave mitigationAligning a materials microstructure through equal channel angular in metal materialsextrusion was not observed to attenuate the force transmitted through advancedduring split Hopkinson pressure bar experimentation.manufacturing processes T he dynamic response of texture manipulated oxygen free high thermal conductivity copper and 304 stainless steel was studied. The goal was to understand the effect that equal channel angular extrusion processing, which aligns the microstructure of the material, has on oxygen free high thermal conductivity copper and 304 stainless steel performance when subjected to multiple levels of repeated loadings or impact loadings. Multiple stock bars of oxygen free high thermal conductivity copper and 304 stainless steel processed and then tested PROJECT NUMBER:on split Hopkinson pressure bar to evaluate their response to a wave passing through 21A1050-101FP the sample. The samples were videoed at high frame rates to capture and analyze the materials deformation. Each samples deformation was characterized using TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:digital image correlation, photon Doppler velocimetry, and an in-house artificial $870,000 over 3 years intelligence algorithm that captured grain size, shape, and counts. These data were PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:used to collect the sizing distributions of both stock and processed material. This enneth Bratton, INL tool can be used in the future to aid the characterization of any sectioned materials concerned with grain size, shape, and distribution. There was no discernible CO-INVESTIGATORS: difference in wave speed in stock and processed materials. The photon Doppler Brady Aydelotte, INL velocimetry and digital image correlation data did not reveal any trends within Thomas Lillo, INL the captured data indicate a conclusive result that the level of texturing influenced Zherui Guo, INL wave propagation speed between processed and stock samples. It is possible that with greater levels of processing, more disruption might be possible. This is being considered for follow-on work. A key accomplishment of this project was the development of the new plate die design that enables fabrication of a new die that produces equal channel angular extrusion processed tiles as compared to bars. Tiles are more practical for testing and reflect more accurately what might be produced in an industrial environment. The plate die can also be used to process multiple materials at the same time. One potential use of this die is to co-process two materials with a bonding agent between the plates to cause an impedance mismatch within the same material thorough altering the material density and texturing in the same processing step. TALENT PIPELINE:Zherui Guo, postdoc at INL, converted to staffA three-dimensional rendering of the new 3 inch wide equal channel angular extrusion die capable of processing a 3 inch x 1 inch (length x width) tile. The die could be used to process two different materials colinearly.96'