b'A quantitative approachSupply chain modeling quantifies how cyber-physical to multiple critical supplydisruptions can impact critical infrastructure functions.chain resilience assessment S ecuring the global supply chain against threats and hazards is essential to United Sates national security and to maintaining continuous flows of goods feeding critical infrastructures and supporting our quality of life. Existing methods to characterize interdependencies between critical lifeline sectors fail to quantify goods and services degradation over time after a disruption. Because a commodity depends on others for production and delivery to end-users, understanding the supply chain interdependency is crucial for recovery actions. PROJECT NUMBER: 21A1050-082FP In this project, we developed a scalable approach to quantify effects of supply and demand disruptions on the food and agriculture critical sector. More specifically, TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:our case study was the potato supply chain in southeastern Idaho. The supporting $955,200 over 3 years critical infrastructure was mapped using the All Hazard Analysis framework, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:including the irrigation network, refined fuel system, chemical supply network, Ruby Nguyen potato farms, potato storage cellars, shipper facility, processor facility, road network, and rail network. The market dynamics and operations of the potato supply chain CO-INVESTIGATORS: were quantified using an agent-based model constructed in AnyLogic software. Ryan Hruska, INLThis model accounted for five stakeholders: farmers, shippers, logistic companies, Barry Ezell, Old Dominion University processors, and retailers. The logic of this agent-based model was simplified to Liang Lu, University of Idahocreate an application programming interface in Python that can connect with All Hazard Analysis. Critical infrastructure data from All Hazard Analysis were exported to the agent-based Python model to simulate supply chain metrics. These metrics were exported back to All Hazard Analysis for visualizing infrastructure disruption impacts on the supply chain. Results of this project led to a software disclosure, peer reviewed papers, and multiple presentations to academic and industry audiences. Simulation model snapshot.114'