b'Computer aided knittingEngineered knit architectures using high-performance polymer for extreme scenarios usingfibers produce high-strength and low-cost materials.high-performance polymerC omputationally aided knitting methods were combined with modern high-performance polymer fibers to produce engineered metamaterial fibers as constituent material structures with improved overall strength and performance. The focus was to improve the strength-to-weight ratio of polymer composite layups for high pressure vessels. Analytical mechanics solutions were first used to determine baseline requirements of a suitable polymer fiber. Vectran HT (high tenacity grade) yarns met the mechanical property, availability, and cost requirements. Two sets of experiments were subsequently performed. A modified yarn elastica loop setup was PROJECT NUMBER:built to examine the effects of small knitting loop radii and the behavior of the yarn 22P1065-006FP under localized stress concentrations. Twin fiber transverse compression experiments were performed to determine the transverse moduli of the Vectran HT fibers TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:for simulation input. Based on single fiber mechanical properties and yarn-level $125,000 over 1 year geometries, the effective homogenized yarn properties were computed using the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:SwiftComp algorithm. Yarn models and meshes were then generated using TexGen, Zherui Guo and computational simulations were performed using Abaqus/Explicit. Open-source knitting algorithm AutoKnit was subsequently used to generate knitting instructions CO-INVESTIGATOR: for producing fabric swatches of Vectran HT fabric swatches for mechanical testing. John Klaehn, INLKnitted fabric swatches with knits in the longitudinal and transverse direction were then tested as per American Society for Testing and Materials standard quasi-static tensile test specifications to get their corresponding force-extension curves. Results of the project showed that it is possible to design a workflow from selection of a high-performance polymer constituent material to a full fabric structure with improved properties.TALENT PIPELINE:Zherui Guo, postdoc at INL, converted to staffWorkflow of project from constituent high-performance fiber selection to mechanical test and product design of eventual knitted structure.97'