b'TALENT PIPELINE: PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS:Tyler Lewis, student at Purdue University Yeni Li, Arvind Sundaram, Hany S. Abdel-Khalik, and Paul W. Talbot, Real-Time Yeni Li, student at Purdue University Monitoring for Detection of Adversarial Subtle Process Variations, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 196:5, 544-567, 2022. Yeni Li, Paul W. Talbot, and Hany S. Abdel-Khalik, A Novelty Detection Workflow for Nuclear System Monitoring, 2022 ANS Winter Meeting, Pheonix, AZ.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:Purdue, INL (2021), Signal-Oriented Network Anomaly Recognition (SONAR) [source code], https://github.com/yenili/sonar113'