b'TALENT PIPELINE: PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS:Shaya Wolf, student at University of Wyoming,S. Wolf, H. Hu, R. Cooley, and M. Borowczak, Stealing Machine Learning converted to staff Parameters via Side Channel Power Attacks, 2021 IEEE Computer Society Annual Taylor McCampbell, student at University ofSymposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2021, pp. 242-247.Wyoming and Carnegie Mellon University C. Carper, A. Robins and M. Borowczak, Transition Recovery Attack on Embedded Will Brant, student at University of Wyoming,State Machines Using Power Analysis, 2022 IEEE 40th International Conference on converted to staffComputer Design (ICCD), 2022, pp. 572-576.Robins A, Olguin S, Brown J, Carper C, Borowczak M., Power-Based Side-Channel Attacks on Program Control Flow with Machine Learning Models, Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, 2023; 3(3):351-363.117'