b'Scalable framework ofA first-of-a-kind anticipatory controller enables autonomous hybrid modeling withcontrol of modular and microreactors.anticipatory control strategyM odular and microreactors as well as other advanced reactor technologies are diverse but share common goals to ensure that future reactor for autonomous operation oftechnologies have (1) low operating costs, (2) high reliability, (3) modular and microreactors remote, autonomous, or semiautonomous operations, and (4) the flexibility to support expanded applications and markets. To enable reactor technologies to achieve this goal, a first-of-a-kind model predictive based anticipatory controller leveraging MOOSE single heat pipe microreactor and 37-heat pipe system physic-informed models was developed. This controller enables faster than real-time prediction and decision-making capabilities by allowing reactor operators to proactively take optimized control actions to manage anomalies that could include PROJECT NUMBER:load variations, plant component degradation, unanticipated design basis events, 21A1050-067FP cyber incidents, or other external events. The developed controller is a Battelle Energy TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:Alliance copyright software called Autonomous Control fOr Reactor technology $1,170,000 over 3 years (ACORN) and is evaluated for steady-state reactor operation and load following with and without heat pipe failures. ACORN utilizes data obtained from an experimental PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:test bed or simulation to implement an optimized control command for microreactor Vivek Agarwal operation using three data-driven algorithms: sparse identification of nonlinear CO-INVESTIGATORS: dynamics with control, feedforward neural network, and recurrent neural network Andrei V. Gribok, INL with long and short term memory units. The command examples include a change Cody J. Permann, INL to the temperature profile, power profiles, heat fluxes, etc. Ronald L. Boring, INL A visualization interface was developed for ACORN by taking into consideration Shannon L. Eggers, INL human factors engineering and nuclear regulatory design principles. The interface Timothy R. McJunkin, INL provides reactor operators with the right level of information and situational awareness that enables them to understand the decision made by the controller. The project also evaluated the stability of the controller by rejecting the disturbance in both temperature and heat flux while satisfying constraints of the process. The ACORN software developed for heat pipe microreactor is extendable to high-temperature gas cooled microreactor, thereby enabling wider adoption of the capability among microreactor stakeholders. 36'