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All Hazards
Analysis - AHA

A Dynamic Approach To Critical Infrastructure Threats

All Hazards Analysis (AHA) is a dynamic dependency analysis framework that enables critical infrastructure knowledge discovery and decision support. Developed by Idaho National Laboratory (INL), AHA identifies dependencies and associated risks, giving decision-makers and emergency managers a comprehensive view of interconnected infrastructure systems.

AHA uses an optimized framework for the collection, storage, analysis, and visualization of critical infrastructure information. Utilizing a function-based approach, it presents information in the form of nodes (infrastructure) and links (dependency relationships). Because AHA continually learns, it can blend general and facility dependency profiles with new information and changing network structure. This allows for more detailed sector and consequence analysis than possible with other infrastructure modeling systems.

AHA Distinguishing Assets


As a distinctive tool, AHA users are provided with a baseline dataset built from open-source structured and unstructured data, along with spatial heuristics. Users are then able to import and manage their own data based on their expertise and focus area. The data entered is only accessible to authorized users.

This tool provides both geospatial and graph visualization capability due to problem space complexity. Data can be viewed through linked Map View and Dependency Graphs. AHA has a user-friendly interface but can be customized to user needs.

all hazards analysis screen

Applications and Users

Application uses include the National Response Framework (Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response and Recovery). AHA has a broad range of uses that extend from analyzing potential consequences to ensuring continuity of operations.

AHA users include:

  • State, Local and Federal Government
  • National Laboratories
  • Industry and Private Sector
  • Colleges and Universities

Contact Information

Michelle Farrell

Idaho National Laboratory