Community Impacts FY21

Making a difference in our communities

Battelle Energy Alliance, the nonprofit company that operates INL, is deeply committed to corporate citizenship and community giving and encourages its employees to do the same. The Community Engagement programs support charitable organizations providing for the basic needs of children and the underprivileged. The lab also supports vital programs in rural and underserved communities.

Accomplishments and data are from fiscal year 2021.

Donated through community grants
$ 0
Raised or pledged by INL employees
$ 0
Pounds of food collected

United Way

INL employees raised more than $646,000 to support nonprofit organizations in eastern Idaho. The annual United Way campaign includes $55,000 from Battelle Energy Alliance. INL’s campaign is the largest benefactor for the Idaho Falls and Pocatello United Way organizations serving the region. The donations help a growing number of local people struggling due to the rising costs of housing and health care.

Community Food Drive

INL employees supported an October food drive benefitting the Community Food Basket – Idaho Falls. INL volunteers and community partners exceeded their goal, collecting 141,534 pounds of food, which will provide 108,873 meals for the community. The October food drive is critical to providing for local families and individuals during the holidays and winter.

Supporting community

INL Deputy Director for Management and Operations Juan Alvarez led a community project called Connecting Us-Sustaining Progress to assess the technological, policy and social dimensions that would support a more diverse, inclusive and sustainable city of Idaho Falls. The resulting report provided city officials with options to shape Idaho Falls into a community known for innovations and livability. It also outlined a path to boost inclusion of minority groups and marginalized community members.

Museum of Idaho

INL supported creation of “Way Out West,” a permanent exhibit at the Museum of Idaho providing historical context and a vison of future innovation. The 890-square-mile INL Site is at the heart of an area rich with archaeological and historical knowledge shared though the exhibit. Loaned items from INL include artifacts and archaeological information, mockups of space power systems assembled at INL, and an interactive display to engage future scientists and engineers. Collaborators include the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, INL, and historical and cultural preservation societies around the region.

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Idaho National Laboratory