Water Power Media


Radiance Project

The installation of a self-healing microgrid is enhancing grid resilience in the remote village of Cordova, Alaska.

Power and Energy Real Time Laboratory

Idaho National Laboratory’s advanced modeling capabilities can incorporate real-world data, hardware and software into real-time simulations.

Blue Lake Rancheria Microgrid

Idaho National Laboratory collaborated with diverse agencies to build a renewable, self-sustaining microgrid at the Blue Lake Rancheria.

Integrating hydropower and energy storage

The installation of a self-healing microgrid is enhancing grid resilience in the remote village of Cordova, Alaska.

Dam Retrofit Research

Adding hydropower generation to a fraction of existing non-powered dams represents a significant opportunity to reduce the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions with minimal environmental impact. To realize this opportunity, researchers at INL and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) developed an interactive, web-based tool.

Modernizing irrigation systems with renewable power

Researchers at Idaho National Laboratory and PNNL are helping the private sector accelerate the modernization of irrigation systems through the publicly available tool IrrigationViz.

Refining hydroelectric power for grid resilience with Idaho Falls Power

Idaho National Laboratory researchers developed a hybrid system that harnesses the power of water and energy storage.


Black Start Video

Small Hydropower Integrated with Storage

Choose Your Career in Hydropower


Hydropower Hybrids Economic Valuation Tool

Idaho National Laboratory