RELAP5-3D Team
Battelle Energy Alliance manages INL for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy
Idaho National Laboratory
1955 N. Fremont Ave.
Idaho Falls, ID 83415
Copyright © 2025 Idaho National Laboratory
Dr. Paolo Balestra obtained his master’s degree in energy engineering in 2012 and his Ph.D. in energy and environment with focus on nuclear engineering in 2017 at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome. He is currently the Methods Lead for the Advanced Reactor Technology - Gas Cooled Reactor (ART-GCR) DoE Program at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). He is also work package manager of INL’s High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) area of the multiphysics section of the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program. His research efforts are focused on two areas: the analysis and optimization of the new generation of advanced reactor design and the development and validation of dedicated advanced reactor designs simulation tools.
Dr. Victor Coppo Leite is a researcher at Idaho National Laboratory who recently earned a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from Pennsylvania State University. He also holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in the same field from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. His interests include incorporating machine learning methods into thermal hydraulic problems and multi-physics modeling. Currently, he applies his expertise to contribute to the development of RELAP5-3D, while also engaging in activities to maintain the code and conduct analyses.
Brandon Cox is an engineer and software developer in the Thermal Fluid System Methods & Analysis Department at Idaho National Laboratory. In 2019 he graduated from Brigham Young University with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. He has experience developing engineering software and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). He is currently a RELAP5-3D Developer and Analyst. In this capacity, he participates in various RELAP5-3D updates and development activities and corrects user errors. He also performs engineering calculations and analyses using RELAP5-3D and CFD. He has experience using Python, Fortran, Linux, and OpenFOAM. Outside of work he enjoys spending time with family and many outdoor activities including hiking, hunting, fishing, and photography.
Dr. Robert Kile is an Advanced Reactor Research and Development Engineer at Idaho National Laboratory. His work focuses on code validation for gas-cooled reactors. Dr. Kile is also the coordinator for the Depressurized Conduction Cooldown problem of the OECD-NEA HTTF Benchmark.
Dr. George Mesina earned his PhD in Applied Mathematics in 1988 from the University of Pittsburgh. He has served as the RELAP5-3D Code Architect for 25 years. He is the acting manager for INL’s Thermal Fluids Systems, Methods, and Analysis department, responsible for the RELAP5-3D code analysts and developers and leading the RELAP program.
Dr. Carlo Parisi holds a MSc and PhD in nuclear engineering from Pisa University, Italy. He joined INL in 2015, and since then he has worked on the Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) program, Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) and improved Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) concepts, and the sodium loop for the TREAT reactor. Since 2020 he is responsible for the thermal hydraulic design of the microreactor "MARVEL”.
Ms. Connie Stevens works as the RELAP5-3D project coordinator. She received a Master of Legal Studies from the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, and a B.Sc. in Applied Management from Brigham Young University-Idaho. Connie’s work is currently focused on building and strengthening relationships with domestic and international RELAP5-3D license holders, leading the organization of the annual International RELAP5 User Group (IRUG) meeting, and providing program management support to the department manager and RELAP5 team.
Dr. Mauricio Tano-Retamales is a Staff Scientist in the Thermal Fluids Systems and Methods Analysis group at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). He currently leads efforts for high- and intermediate-fidelity modeling and simulation of multiphysics phenomena in advanced nuclear reactors, which include the development of models coupling between neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, thermomechanics, salt chemistry, and corrosion. Additionally, Dr. Tano-Retamales is an active developer of INL’s coarse-mesh computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code Pronghorn and INL’s MOOSE-based subchannel code for advanced nuclear reactors. Dr. Tano-Retamales leads the coupling between RELAP5-3D and CFD codes and performs nuclear reactor analyses using RELAP5-3D.
Dr. Ishita Trivedi works as a computational scientist in the Advanced Reactor Design & Technology at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). She received her PhD in Nuclear Engineering from North Carolina State University focusing on Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation Methods for Safety Analysis of Lead-cooled Fast Reactors. Ishita also has a M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering from North Carolina State University and Pennsylvania State University, respectively. At INL, Ishita is involved in several advanced reactor multi-physics analysis projects including leading the MARVEL criticality benchmark development, nuclear thermal propulsion reactor modeling and simulation among other projects. Ishita also works in software quality assurance, validation & verification of INL applications.
Jan Vermaak joined INL in 2022 as a Senior Nuclear Multiphysics Engineer. He has 14 years of diverse experience in reactor engineering ranging from nuclear safety analysis to managing reactor engineering at the Texas A&M University TRIGA reactor. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s and PhD in nuclear engineering. Jan’s current work is focused on code development and analysis in the fields of neutronics, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), thermal-hydraulics, mechanical stress, and nuclear fuel performance.
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