Locally Sourced Energy

Locally sourced energy for a secure future

Locally sourced energy is an essential part of a resilient and forward-thinking energy future, and researchers at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) are leading the way in energy research and development. INL focuses on advancing technologies that offer viable solutions to meet our energy demands. 

Benefits of locally sourced energy

Areas of Energy Research

Topic Areas

Dynamic Energy Transport and Integration Laboratory

The Electrochemical Processing and Electrocatalysis Lab helps researchers discover better ways to convert inexpensive materials to higher value chemicals, fuels and hydrogen.

Electrochemical Processing and Electrocatalysis Lab

The Electrochemical Processing and Electrocatalysis Lab helps researchers discover better ways to convert inexpensive materials to higher value chemicals, fuels and hydrogen.

Energy Systems Laboratory

The Energy Systems Laboratory hosts several large research labs and collaboration spaces to support teams working on areas such as advanced manufacturing, bioenergy, integrated energy systems and electric vehicle testing.

Power and Energy Systems

INL’s advanced modeling capabilities make it possible for researchers to emulate real-world data, hardware and software into real-time simulations. The Power and Energy Real-Time Laboratory (PERL) enables researchers to model the power grid and incorporate diverse sources of energy that make up an integrated energy system. 

Water Security Test Bed

The Water Security Test Bed can be used for research related to detecting and decontaminating chemical, biological or radiological agents following a man-made or natural disaster.

Contact Information

Abby Todd

Phone: (208) 526-6166

Idaho National Laboratory