Technology Deployment
Converting government-funded research into job opportunities, business, and an improved way of life
What is Technology Deployment?
Technology Deployment is part of a dedicated effort to convert government-funded research into new job opportunities and businesses and ultimately an improved way of life for the American people. INL has many technologies, facilities, and capabilities that can be made available to private business and academia. Added value is placed on relationships with small businesses, start-up companies, and general entrepreneurship opportunities.
Click here to learn about doing business with INL.

Licensing is the most direct way to access INL technology. Licensing INL technologies allows a business to reproduce, manufacture, sell, or use INL-developed or owned intellectual property. Licensing terms vary greatly by the specific company and technology involved. INL is committed to providing favorable licensing terms for both parties.
- INL technologies available for licensing
- Licensing process
- Learn more about licensing
- License modeling and simulation software
- INL Software Store
Energy I-CORPS
Energy I-Corps is a technology-to-market program that pairs teams of researchers with industry mentors for an intensive two-month training where the researchers define technology value propositions, conduct customer discovery interviews, and develop viable market pathways for their technologies. Researchers return to the lab with a framework for industry engagement to guide future research and inform a culture of market awareness within the labs. In this way, Energy I-Corps is ensuring our investment in the national labs is maintaining and strengthening U.S. competitiveness long-term. Throughout the program, teams conduct 75-100 customer discovery interviews and continue to refine their unique value proposition.
The Energy I-Corps program is a specialized training curriculum intended to:
- Increase the number of national laboratory-developed technologies that are transferred into commercial development or industry agreements;
- Train national laboratory researchers to better understand the commercialization process and private sector needs; and
- Transform national laboratory culture to value commercialization and entrepreneurial activities.
INL I-Corps Lite is a six-week technology-to-market program where INL researchers with a research concept (intellectual property) learn to define technology value propositions, conduct customer discovery interviews with industry experts and end-users, and develop viable market pathways for their technologies. The course is expected to require a total of 25 hours per researcher over a six-week period, which includes 15 hours of instruction and 10 hours of interviews (25 hours of compensated time). The cost of training sessions and interviews will be covered by Technology Deployment.
Technical Assistance Program
This is a technical support program for small business and state and local governments where INL scientists and engineers provide, without fees, assistance which is not normally available to a community or small business. It helps in areas where organizations may find their problems too complex or technical to solve on their own.
This program is authorized by federal law, and DOE has allocated limited funding for this support activity and provides policy guidance directing the screening and selection of projects.
- Requested services cannot substantially compete with services available from the private sector.
- The requested assistance must fall within INL areas of expertise.
- The requested assistance must not interfere with ongoing INL programs.
- No more than 40 hours of assistance are allowed per request.
To submit your request for consideration, complete the Request for Technical Assistance form.
To submit your project report, complete the Project Report – Technical Assistance Project Report form.
Technology Transfer Ombuds
Technology Transfer Ombuds offers an informal process to help resolve issues and concerns regarding the laboratory’s technology partnership, patent, and licensing activities. As a designated neutral party, our Ombuds provides confidential, resolution-focused services. More information on the Technology Transfer Ombudsman Program can be found here:
Through the Ombuds process, we encourage collaborative techniques such as mediation to facilitate the speedy and low-cost resolution of complaints and disputes, when appropriate.
The INL Ombuds does not:
- Handle contract negotiation or other legal issues
- Act as a decision maker or draw conclusions
- Investigate or make formal recommendations on findings of fact.
The Ombuds also does not replace, override, or influence formal review or appeal mechanisms, or serve as an intermediary when legal action is involved or when legal counsel represents a party.
At INL, the role of the Technology Transfer Ombuds is maintained within the Internal Audit directorate. If you wish to contact this office, contact [email protected]