Regional Resilience
Changing the Approach to Cyber-Physical Threat Analysis
Given the increasing interconnections and interdependencies of systems — such as communications, power distribution and transportation infrastructure — it is essential that government agencies and industry recognize potential vulnerabilities and mitigations to protect critical infrastructure.
INL control systems security programs are fundamentally changing how the nation and world approach analysis of threats to the complex myriad cyber-physical systems that are integral to the reliability and resilience of our critical infrastructure and national defense.
The lab’s innovative methodologies for technology-based threat analysis and consequence/threat actor-based prioritization of vulnerability assessments are now used to provide analyses to national security leaders for decisions regarding the protection of federal facilities and nuclear materials, international technology transfer for global threat reduction, and critical infrastructure protection of energy, water, transportation and communication systems.
These groundbreaking methods have been employed in multiple sectors (nuclear, electric power, oil and gas) and across multiple federal partners.