Publication and Reports
Publication and Reports
Type | Authors | Title | Publication |
Journal | Banerjee, Abhishek, Alam, S M Shafiul, Mosier, Thomas M | Impact of Hybrid Energy Storage System Topology on Performance: Exploration for Hydropower Hybrids | Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2021 |
White Paper | Shafiul Alam, S. M., Banerjee, Abhishek, Loughmiller, Cliff, Bennett, Brion D., Smith, Nicholas, Mosier, Thomas M., Gevorgian, Vahan, Jenkins, Ben, and Roberts, Matthew. | Idaho Falls Power Black Start Field Demonstration (Preliminary Outcomes Paper). United States: N. p., 2021. Web. doi:10.2172/1817907. | INL Preliminary Outcomes Paper |
Journal | Yingqian Lin, Binghui Li, Thomas M.Moiser, L. Michael Griffel, Matthew R.Mahalik. Jonghwan Kwon, S. M. Shafiul Alama | Revenue prediction for integrated renewable energy and energy storage system using machine learning techniques | “Journal of Energy Storage Volume 50, June 2022, 104123” |
Journal | Vivek Kumar Singh, Abhishek Banerjee, S M Shafiul Alam, Thomas M Mosier | Dynamic Frequency Regulation Improvement in Hydropower-Hybrid System using Variational Mode Decomposition | 2022 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 25-28 April 2022 |
Journal | Abhishek Banerjee, S M Shafiul Alam, Thomas M. Mosier, John Undrill | Modeling a Bulb-Style Kaplan Unit Hydrogovernor and Turbine in Mathworks-Simulink and RTDS-RSCAD | 2022 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 25-28 April 2022 |
Journal | Mohammad S. Roni, Thomas Mosier, Tzvi D. Feinberg, Timothy McJunkin. Ange-Lionel Toba, Liam D.Boire, Luis Rodriguez-Garciac, Majid Majidi, Masood Parvaniac | Integrated water-power system resiliency quantification, challenge and opportunity | Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 39, January 2022, 100796 |
Journal | Ange-Lionel Toba, Liam Boire, Timothy McJunkin | Integrated Water-Power System Resilience Analysis in a Southeastern Idaho Irrigation District: Minidoka Case Study | Sustainability 2021, 13(19), 10906 |
Journal | Luis Rodriguez-Garcia, Masood Parvania, Mohammad Mehdi Hosseini, Thomas Mosier | Resilience Analytics for Interdependent Power and Water Distribution Systems | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 08 February 2022 |
Provisional Patent Application | T. Wang, V. K. Singh, A. Banerjee, S. M. Shafiul Alam and T. M. Mosier | Pumped Storage Hydropower – A Cost-Benefit and Decision Analysis Valuation Framework | Provisional Patent Application No. 63/333,998, “Generating Control Signals for Energy Sources,” BEA Docket No. BA-1355. |
White Paper | Elliott, Shiloh N, Mosier, Thomas, VanderMeer, Jeremy, Chamberlin, Michele, Cicilio, Phylicia, Fhay, Kelsey, Stadler, Michael, Shafiul Alam, Durvasulu, Venkat | Assessment Framework of Marine Hydrokinetic Technologies for Microgrid Applications | Program Document: Assessment Framework of Marine Hydrokinetic Technologies for Microgrid Applications |
Report | Vladimir Koritarov, Patrick Balducci, Todd Levin, Mark Christian, Jongwhan Kwon, Catharina Milostan, Quentin Ploussard, Malhar Padhee, Yuting Tian, Thomas Mosier, S.M. Shafiul Alam, Rojan Bhattarai, Manish Mohanpurkar, Gregory Stark, Dominique Bain, Michael Craig, Boualem Hadjerioua, Patrick O’Connor, Srijib Mukherjee, Kevin Stewart, Xinda Ke, Mark Weimar | Pumped Storage Hydropower – A Cost-Benefit and Decision Analysis Valuation Framework | Pumped Storage Hydropower Valuation Guidebook – A Cost-Benefit and Decision Analysis Valuation Framework, March 2021 |
Journal | Tyler Phillips, Vishvas Chalishazar, Timothy McJunkin, Manisha Maharjan, S M Shafiul Alam, Thomas Mosier, Abhishek Somani | A metric framework for evaluating the resilience contribution of hydropower to the grid | 2020 Resilience Week (RWS) |
Poster Session | Shafiul Alam S. M., Mosier, Thomas M | Increasing Flexibility of ROR Hydropower Plants using “Virtual Reservoirs” | Conference: Increasing Flexibility of ROR Hydropower Plants using “Virtual Reservoirs” |