Eastern Idaho educators, STEM organizations encouraged to apply for STEM grants

January 16, 2019


Eastern Idaho educators, STEM organizations encouraged to apply for STEM grants

Applications are now being accepted for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education grants to support K-12 STEM education in eastern Idaho. Idaho National Laboratory’s K-12 STEM program looks to cultivate the eastern Idaho STEM landscape by leveraging partnerships and resources to grow STEM opportunities for all, and works toward the alignment of future workforce needs with STEM Education in Eastern Idaho. Educators and other community stakeholders in Regions 5 and 6 are eligible to apply for grants that will support these efforts.

INL will accept proposals in four categories:

Competition Grant: maximum of $1,000 per award, up to 10 awards expected.

The INL STEM Competition Grant was designed to support eastern Idaho students, grades K-12, participating in STEM competitions throughout the state. Applications must be completed by a school-level representative on behalf of the students benefiting from the grant. Each school is allowed one schoolwide application.

Classroom Grant: maximum of $1,500 per award, up to 10 awards expected.

The K-12 Classroom Grant is available for eastern Idaho educators and administrators to apply for funding to improve student understanding of and learning experiences in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Awards will be granted for innovative and creative projects in STEM subjects. These projects should focus on classroom-level instruction that is unique to the needs of the students.

Community STEM and Career Awareness Grant: maximum of $750 per award, up to 10 awards expected.

The Community STEM and Career Awareness Grant is designed to support publicly funded and nonprofit organizations. Up to $750 is available to selected applicants wishing to host a community STEM event focused on raising awareness about STEM education and career options. The event needs to target not only students, but also their parents/guardians, industry and the community at large.

Out-of-School STEM Program Grant: maximum of $5,000 per award, up to three awards expected.

The Idaho National Laboratory K-12 STEM Program values organizations dedicated to STEM education in eastern Idaho in settings outside of the classroom. In addition to our more traditional school and classroom grants, we offer a competitive grant to support eastern Idaho organizations with STEM programs that serve K-12 students in settings outside of the classroom. This funding should serve three purposes: broaden student impact, increase student resources, and encourage student involvement in STEM activities.

Further information and links to grant applications are available on INL’s K-12 STEM website. Applicants must be able to provide proof of 501(c)(3) nonprofit status and a W-9 form. All proposals must be submitted by close of business on Friday, March 1.

A panel of judges will evaluate each application independently to competitively award grants. Grant recipients will be announced by April.

Funding for INL’s STEM grants is provided by Battelle Energy Alliance. Over the past decade, INL has awarded nearly $5 million in STEM grants to support STEM education in Idaho.

Idaho National Laboratory is pleased to partner with the Idaho STEM Action Center, created in 2015 to help coordinate and facilitate implementation of STEM programs, align education and workforce needs, and increase awareness of STEM throughout Idaho. Further grant opportunities in partnership with the Idaho STEM Action Center are available and will be announced throughout the year. Interested applicants should watch INL’s STEM grant website for further information.

About Idaho National Laboratory

Battelle Energy Alliance manages INL for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. INL is the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development, and also performs research in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and the environment. For more information, visit www.inl.gov.

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Posted January 16, 2019

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