International RELAP5 User Group (IRUG)

International RELAP5 User Group

The International RELAP5 User Group (IRUG) comprises organizations licensed to use the RELAP5 nuclear power plant safety analysis code, developed at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) since 1979. The objective of IRUG is to serve industry, government, and academia by providing and maintaining a versatile RELAP5 package for safety and engineering analyses of nuclear power reactors. IRUG oversees RELAP5–3D improvements, ensuring it remains a leading reactor safety systems code.

What does IRUG provide?

IRUG provides access to RELAP5-3D on INL’s supercomputers, auxiliary software, user group meetings, training, and support for input design and debugging. Members can report issues via User Trouble Reports.

Annual meetings, held at INL or member facilities, feature training, technical presentations, business updates, and voting on code and group matters.

Who can be an IRUG member?

Membership is open to individuals and organizations, including governmental entities, commercial companies, and academic institutions. Requests for access must be vetted by the Nuclear Computational Resource Center (NCRC). Membership fees, based on usage level (from basic to superuser), are charged annually and adjusted as needed.

Who leads IRUG?

IRUG is led by a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary. Voting rights are based on membership level, and meeting minutes are distributed prior to each meeting.

IRUG 2025

2025 IRUG Meeting featuring RELAP5-3D beginner training

July 28 – August 1, at Idaho National Laboratory

Registration information coming soon.

September 9 - 13, 2024 | Newpark Resort in Park City, Utah

RELAP5-3D Training (Intermediate)*
RELAP5-3D Training (Intermediate)*
RELAP5-3D Training (Intermediate)* with optional certification exam

2024 IRUG Banquet
IRUG Technical Seminar
IRUG Technical Seminar

IRUG Business Meeting

*A current RELAP5-3D license and NCRC approval is required.

Technical Presentations

You are invited to submit a technical presentation to the IRUG Seminar to be presented on September 12 and 13:

  • Time Length: 20-minute presentation plus 5 minutes for Q&A
  • Deadline: Deadline: July 31. Submit 300 word abstract to [email protected]

Cost (Price and Deadlines Updated July 1)

Registration Type Early Bird (until 7/28) Regular (starts 7/29)
Full-Week Attendance*
RELAP5-3D Intermediate Training*
In-Person Technical Seminar and IRUG Business Meeting
Online-Only Technical Seminar and IRUG Business Meeting
RELAP5-3D training (university student)

*Registration closes July 26 (for attendees without prior code approval); August 16 (attendees with code approval)

Hotel Information

Standard Room Luxury Suite 2-Bedroom Suite Townhome
$119/night plus taxes and fees
$209/night plus taxes and fees
$265/night plus taxes and fees
$275/night plus taxes and fees

The RELAP5-3D team has negotiated a group rate for IRUG 2024 at Newpark Resort. The hotel block is only available until Friday, July 26.

Book the group rate online using promo code IRUG0924 or using the direct booking link; by calling 435-649-3600 (extension 0) and giving the group name IRUG 2024; or by emailing [email protected].

Nearby Attractions

  • SLC International Airport: 39 miles
  • Downtown SLC: 35 miles
  • Clark Planetarium: 26 miles
  • Homestead Crater: 21 miles
  • Hogle Zoo: 21 miles
  • Deer Valley: 8 miles
  • Main Street Park City: 7 miles*
  • Utah Olympic Park: 2 miles*
  • Park City Outlets: 1.5 miles*
  • Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter: 0.1 mile*

* Free public transportation available

Past IRUG Seminars

The 2024 IRUG meeting was held on Sept. 9-13 in Park City, Utah.

Links to presentations will be available soon.

The 2023 IRUG meeting was held on December 4 – 8, 2023 in Idaho Falls, ID. 

Links to presentations will be available soon. 

The 2021 RELAP5-3D Training Workshop and Users Group Seminar was held virtually on September 13 – 17, 2021. There were 15 technical presentations and the meeting included basic and advanced RELAP5-3D training classes.

The meeting provided a forum for RELAP5 users from around the globe to share their experiences in developing models and performing analyses using the code. In addition, the latter part of the seminar was set aside for an executive meeting of the International RELAP5 Users Group. Membership in the User Group was not a condition for attendance at the seminar, and technical papers were encouraged based on any version or application of RELAP5.

IRUG 2021 Agenda

Application of RELAP5-3D for Liquid Metal Reactor SafetyGiannetti, Narcisi, Ciurluini, CarusoSapienza Universita Di Roma
Application of RELAP5-3D to High Energy Deposition Transients within TREATBlakelyINL
Application of Surrogate Models for Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty Analysis by RELAP5 CodeKinoshitaINSS
Development of Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) Application for RELAP5-3DChoi, ParisiINL
Human Reliability AnalysisBoringINL
JAEA HTTR Secondary System ModelingAndersonINL
Modern Error ScalingEpineyINL
Plutonium Fuel Services Irradiation Experiment in the Advanced Test ReactorFishlerINL
Regression Testing for BR2 RELAP5 ModelsLin, Garner, Licht, WolsANL, SCK-CEN
RELAP5-3D Architectural Upgrades through Gnu Fortran AdaptationMesinaINL
Remote RELAP5-3D InformationMesinaINL
Risk-Informed ATF Analysis for Generic PWR & BWRZhang, et alINL
Thermal-Hydraulic Modeling of MARVEL MicroreactorParisiINL

The 2019 RELAP5-3D Training Workshop and Users Group Seminar was held in Idaho Falls, Idaho USA from April 15 – 19 2019. There were 20 technical presentations. The meeting also included an advanced RELAP5-3D training class.

The meeting provided a forum for RELAP5 users from around the globe to share their experiences in developing models and performing analyses using the code. In addition, the latter portion of the seminar was set aside for an executive meeting of the International RELAP5 Users Group. Membership in the User Group was not a condition for attendance at the seminar, and technical papers were encouraged based on any version or application of RELAP5.

2019 IRUG Agenda




Accident Tolerant Fuels – A PRA ComparisonMandelli, et al.INL
Analysis of Accident Tolerant Fuel Using RELAP5-3DParisi, et al.INL
Analysis of the Versatile Test Reactor Using RELAP5-3DParisi, et al.INL
Analysis Using RELAP5-3D as Compared with a Test MockupScherrerGDEB
Bison-TRACE CouplingGardner, et al.INL
Development of Quantitative Verification Capabilities for use with RELAP5-3D and R5EXECBuschmanBettis
Direct Sparse Matrix Linear Solver for the Nodal Kinetics in RELAP5-3DBarberISL
Dynamic PRA of a Multi-unit PlantMandelli, et al.INL
FPoliSolutions RISA Technology Status and Path ForwardFrepoliFPoliSolutions
Jacobian Consistency Tool for RELAP5-3DMesinaINL
RELAP5-3D – the Path ForwardWolf, et al.INL
RELAP5-3D Application to Risk-Informed Systems AnalysisChoiINL
RELAP5-3D Software Licensing UpdatesBakerINL
RELAP-7 Development StatusMartineauINL
Selected User ProblemsAndersonINL
Six-Field Model and RELAP5-3DRoth, MesinaISL, INL
TWERL for TREAT Pre-Conceptual DesignEpineyINL
Upgrade to GFORTRAN and FORTRAN 2003MesinaINL
Validation of a Simple RELAP5-3D Point Kinetics Model of the Full-Slotted MARCH Core in TREATDavisINL
Validation of RELAP5-3D Using HE-FUS3 DataDavisINL

2018 RELAP5-3D Training Workshop and Users Group Seminar

The 2018 RELAP5-3D Training Workshop and Users Group Seminar was held in Idaho Falls, Idaho USA from April 30 – May 4 2018. There were 20 technical presentations. The meeting also included an introductory RELAP5-3D training class and a half day of training on RAVEN.

The meeting provided a forum for RELAP5 users from around the globe to share their experiences in developing models and performing analyses using the code. In addition, the latter portion of the seminar was set aside for an executive meeting of the International RELAP5 Users Group. Membership in the User Group was not a condition for attendance at the seminar, and technical papers were encouraged based on any version or application of RELAP5.

IRUG 2018 Agenda




Acceleration of UQ and PRA with RAVEN Hybrid Modeling of a Blend of Surrogate and RELAP5-3D ModelsAlfonsi, et al.INL
Advancements of PHISICS – RELAP5-3D Package for Time-Dependent Transient CalculationsAlfonsi, et al.INL
Application of RELAP5-3D for the Risk Informed External Event AnalysisParisi, et al.INL
Consistent Fluid Property Evaluation for RELAP5-3DMesinaINL
Development of New H2O95N Fluid PropertiesForsmannINL
Integrating Classical PRA Models into RELAP5-3DMandelli, et al.INL
Kinetics Advances in RELAP5-3DBarberISL
Measuring Risk Importance in a Dynamic PRA Framework Using RAVEN – RELAP5Mandelli, et al.INL
Multi-Physics Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (MP-BEPU) Analysis Framework LOTUS and RELAP5-3DZhangINL
Ongoing RELAP5-3D Related Activities at SCK-CENCastellitiSCK-CEN
PbLi Equations of StateHumrickhouseINL
RELAP5-3D Backup ImprovementsAndersonINL
RELAP5-3D Licensing Updates_Smith_INLSmithINL
RELAP5M3_3 – RELAP5-3D – CFD Calculation of Reactor Downcomer Velocity and Temperature Fields in PTS AnalysesKral, et al.UJV Rez
RELAP7 Progress and FutureMartineauINL
Selected User ProblemsAndersonINL
Selected User Problems_ChoiChoiINL
System Modeling of the HTTR with RELAP5-3DHumrickhouseINL
Timing Studies of Recent RELAP5-3D CodeMesinaINL
Validation of a Detailed RELAP5-3D Model of TREATDavisINL

2016 RELAP5-3D Training Workshop and Users Group Seminar

The 2016 RELAP5-3D Training Workshop and Users Group Seminar was held in Idaho Falls, Idaho USA from October 3-7 2016. There were 19 technical presentations. The meeting also included an Advanced RELAP5-3D training class and a day of training on RAVEN.

The meeting provided a forum for RELAP5 users from around the globe to share their experiences in developing models and performing analyses using the code. In addition, the latter portion of the seminar was set aside for an executive meeting of the International RELAP5 Users Group. Membership in the User Group was not a condition for attendance at the seminar, and technical papers were encouraged based on any version or application of RELAP5.

2016 IRUG Agenda




2016 User ProblemsAndersonINL
A Statistical Method for Benchmarking Nuclear Plant ModelsMcCloskey, SmithBMPC
Equations of State for PbLiHumrickhouseINL
FLASHback – RELAP at Fifty(Paper)MartinBWXT
FLASHback – RELAP at Fifty(Presentation)MartinBWXT
Improvements to PHISICS_RELAP5-3D Capabilities for Simulating HTGRsBalestra, Alfonsi, Strydom, Rabiti, Giannetti, CarusoINL, Sapienza University or Rome
Jacobian Matrix Analysis Tool for RELAP5-3DMesinaINL
Modification to the Condensation Model in the Presence of NoncondensablesAndersonINL
RELAP5 3D Simulations of Hot Leg Break LOCA ScenariosVaghetto, VanniTexas A & M University
RELAP5-3D Analyses for the US-DOE LWRS RISMC Program, IndustryParisi, Prescott, Coleman, SzilardINL
RELAP5-3D Licensing UpdatesSmithINL
RELAP5-3D Two-Phase Behavior and Predictions at Low PressuresCastellitiSCK CEN
RELAP-7 Current Status and Future DevelopmentMartineauINL
Risk-Informed Safety Margin CharacterizationEpiney, Zhang, Parisi, SzilardINL
Seismic Loop LOCA with Double-ended Guillotine Break at IPT Inlet and OutletRothINL
Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of a Gas-Cooled ReactorBaylessINL
Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of a Versatile Coupled Test ReactorDavisINL
Update on RELAP5-3D CHF Geometry Correction FactorsChoiINL
Use of Systems Analysis Codes in the Nuclear IndustrySharpeINL


International RELAP5 Users Group (IRUG) Seminar and Meeting

The 2015 RELAP5 Users Group Meeting was held from August 13 – 14, 2015 in Idaho Falls, ID. There were over 20 technical presentations. The meeting was preceded by an Advanced RELAP5-3D training class.

The meeting provided a forum for RELAP5 users from around the globe to share their experiences in developing models and performing analyses using the code. In addition, the latter portion of the seminar was set aside for an executive meeting of the International RELAP5 Users Group. Membership in the User Group was not a condition for attendance at the seminar, and technical papers were encouraged based on any version or application of RELAP5.




Demonstration of BEUP Analysis of LB-LOCA with RELAP5-3D for High Burnup FuelZhaoINL
Development of a Quality Assured HTTF RELAP5-3D Input ModelBaylessINL
Developmnet of a RELAP5-3D Property Library for Use by Other Computer CodesDavisINL
Dual Number Differentiation in RELAP5-3DHodsonUtah State University
H2ON Property Table Errors UP-15020ForsmanINL
Impact of Pressure Relief Holes on Core Coolabilityfor a PWR During a Larege-Break LOCA With Core Blockage Using RELAP5-3DVaghettoTexas A & M
Improvements – Multi Deck and Strip FeaturesMesinaINL
Improvements in Sequential VerificationMesinaINL
IRUG 2015 Agenda  
Jacobian Evaluation ProjectMesinaINL
Modeling Moving Systems With RELAP5-3D (Watch)BuschmanBettis
Modeling the SCO2 Power Cycle of a generic dual Coolant Fusion Reactor With RELAP5-3DBatetPolitecniacade University of Catalunya
Phisics-RELAP5-3D Coupled Suite for Industry ApplicationsAlfonsiINL
Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Coupling Approaches for Coupling RELAP5 and LabViewPackUniversity of Idaho
RELAP5 Applications at GRNSPG – NINE_ Thirty Years of ActivitiesLanfrediniNINE
RELAP5-3D Auxiliary Tools – 2015 UpdateForsmanINL
RELAP5-3D Gas-Cooled Reactor ActivitiesBaylessINL
RELAP5-3D Software Licensing UpdatesSmithINL
RELAP-7 Code Development Status Update for 2015ZhaoINL
SCREED – A Supporting Tool for V-V and Uncertainty Evaluations of Best Estimate System Codes for Licensing ApplicationsLanfrediniNINE
Six Field Governing Equations for RELAP5RothUniversity of Idaho
The BEPU Evaluation Model with RELAP5-3D for Licensing nthe Atucha II NPPLandfrediniNINE
Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of an AHTL In-Pile Tube in the Southwest Loop of the ATRDavisINL
User Problems-Version FeaturesAndersonINL
Validation of a RELAP5-3D Point Kinetics Model of TreatDavisINL

International RELAP5 Users Group (IRUG) Seminar and Meeting

The 2014 RELAP5 Users Group Meeting was held from September 11-12 2014 in Idaho Falls, ID. There were 20 technical presentations. The meeting was preceded by an Advanced RELAP5-3D training class.

The meeting provided a forum for RELAP5 users from around the globe to share their experiences in developing models and performing analyses using the code. In addition, the latter portion of the seminar was set aside for an executive meeting of the International RELAP5 Users Group. Membership in the User Group was not a condition for attendance at the seminar, and technical papers were encouraged based on any version or application of RELAP5.

A Quantitative Approach for Making Qualitative Assessment JudgmentsDavis
Application of RELAP5 to the BR2 and RHF Research Reactors for the GTRI Fuel Conversion ProjectLichtANL
BWR Probabilistic Risk Analysis using RELAP5-3D and RAVENRabiti,
Capabilities of PHISICS/RELAP5-3DAlfonsi,
Paul Scherrer Institute
HTTF RELAP5-3D Applications and AssessmentBaylessINL
Impact of Pressure Relief Holes on Core Coolability for a PWR During a Large-Bread Loss of Coolant Accident With Core Blockage Using RELAP5-3DCrookTAMU
MYRRHA Primary Heat Exchanger stability analysisCastellitiSCK
New Governing Equations for the Realistic Representation of 2 Phase FlowRothUniversity of Idaho
R&D And Experimental Activities at ENEA Connected with the Use Of RELAP5-3D CodeDel Nevo,
Di Piazza,
D Martelli,
E Martelli,
ENEA CR Bransimone
ENEA CR Casaccia
RELAP5 Applications & Improvements At NuScaleLucas,
NuScale Power
RELAP5-3D Auxiliary ToolsForsmannINL
RELAP5-3D Improvements 2014MesinaINL
RELAP5-3D Verification 2014MesinaINL
RELAP5-3D Version 4.2.1 Developmental AssessmentBaylessINL
RELAP-7 Code Development Status UpdateZhangINL
Selected User Problems and Version 4.2.1 FeaturesAndersonINL
Simulation of EBR–II SHRT–17 Test by RELAP5-3D© CodeDel Nevo,
ENEA CR Brasimone
Status of Recent Nodal Kinetics Upgrades in RELAP5-3DBarberInformation Systems Laboratory
User–Reported Problems September 2013 – August 2014AndersonINL
Variable GravityMesinaINL

International RELAP5 Users Group (IRUG) Seminar and Meeting

The 2013 RELAP5 Users Group Meeting was held from September 12-13 2013 in Idaho Falls, ID. There were over to attendees at the meeting and 25 technical presentations. The meeting was preceded by an Introductory RELAP5-3D training class that had over 30 in attendance.

The meeting provided a forum for RELAP5 users from around the globe to share their experiences in developing models and performing analyses using the code. In addition, the latter portion of the seminar was set aside for an executive meeting of the International RELAP5 Users Group. Membership in the User Group was not a condition for attendance at the seminar, and technical papers were encouraged based on any version or application of RELAP5.

2013 IRUG Agenda

General Approach to Integration of RELAP5 with Other Codes and Remote Web Based ExecutionAlessiINL
Selected RELAP5-3D User ProblemsAndersonINL
RELAP5 Version 4.1.3AndersonINL
RELAP5-3D Kinetics UpgradesBarberInformation Systems Laboratories, Inc.
HTTF Scoping CalculationsBaylessINL
Comparison of MYRRHA RELAP5 mod 3.3 and RELAP5-3D models on steady state and PLOF transientCastellitiSCK-CEN
Evaluation of Variations in the ATR Axial Power Distribution on Core Safety MarginsDavisINL
Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Resultsof a Seismically-Induced Loss of Coolant Accident Involving Experiment Out-of-Pile Loop Piping at the Idaho National Laboratory Advanced Test ReactorDavisINL
User Tool Upgrades — Pygmalion Status and RGUI StationForsmannINL
Comparison of NRELAP5 to an ORNL THTF Test and the NuScale Critical Heat Flux TestsLucasNuScale Power
NuScale CHF & RELAP5-3DLucasNuScale Power
Architectural Issues and Developments in RELAP5-3DMesinaINL
Developer Guidelines for RELAP5-3D Programming, 2013MesinaINL
Improvements in RELAP5-3D Plot and Strip FilesMesinaINL
Verification/Restart/Backup Testing For RELAP5-3DMesinaINL
RelapManager-A B&W mPower Safety Analysis ToolMorganSafety Analysis and Methods Engineer
Overview of the RELAP5-3D code activities in ENEAParisi, Balestra, Del Nevo, NegrentiENEA
Raven as Probabilistic Risk Assessment Tool for RELAP5-3DRabiti, Mandelli, Smith,INL
 Schroeder, Riley, 
 St Germain, Alfonsi, Nielsen, Cogliati, 
Assessment of RELAP5-3D for Future Reactor DesignsRoth,
U of I
RELAP5-3D Validation Using HTTF DataSchultzVHTR
RELAP5-3D Software Licensing UpdatesSmithINL
Status of the PHISICS/RELAP5-3D Coupling and Application to Phase I of the OECD/NEA MHTGR-350 MW BenchmarkStrydomINL
Thermal-Hydraulic Research ActivityVaghetto, HassanTexas A&M University
RELAP-7 Code Development Status Update and Future PlanZhangINL
Verification and Validation of a Single-Phase Natural Circulation Loop Model in RELAP5-3DZweibaumNEUP

International RELAP5 Users Group (IRUG) Seminar and Meeting

The 2012 International RELAP5 Users Group (IRUG) Seminar and Meeting was held October 23-24 in Sun Valley, Idaho.

The meeting provided a forum for RELAP5 users from around the globe to share their experiences in developing models and performing analyses using the code. In addition, the latter portion of the seminar was set aside for an executive meeting of the International RELAP5 Users Group. Membership in the User Group was not a condition for attendance at the seminar, and technical papers were encouraged based on any version or application of RELAP5.

2012 IRUG Agenda


Advanced TestingMesinaINL
AER Dynamic Benchmark ResultsBencikREZ
Improved Accuracy for Two-Phase Downflow ScenariosDavisINL
International Applications of Nuclear Safety CodesGriffithINL
Metal Water Reaction ImprovementsAndersonINL
Performance Measures for 4.0.3MesinaINL
Recent Applictions of RELAP5-3D at GRNSPGLanfrediniUniversity of Pisa
RELAP5-3D Calculations Supporting HTTF OperationBaylessINL
RELAP5-3D Code Activities in ENEAParisENEA
RELAP5-3D Developmental Assessment UpdateBaylessINL
RELAP5-3D Model ImprovmentBarberISL
RELAP5-3D Participation in CASLCebulINL
RELAP5-3D Software LicensingSmithINL
RELAP5-3D Statistics Based Uncertainty AnaylsisGertmanBoise State
RELAP5-3D-Phisics Coupling AdvancementsEpiney
Resolution of Flow Direction Depenedence of Critical Flow Models in RELAP5-3DBuschmanBettis
Selected Improvements of Opt Level 1 & 2MesinaINL
Selected User ProblemsAndersonINL
Verification TestingDavisINL
Version StatusAndersonINL
Window 7 and Pygi Development for Version 4.0.3ForsmannINL

Papers and Presentations from the Salt Lake City Meeting

The 2011 RELAP5 International Users Seminar July 26-28, 2011 Salt Lake City, UT. The following list of presentations that were presented at the conference. Click on one of the following titles to view the presentation.

Utah State University
CR FB Conv Movie  
NOCR FB1 Conv Movie  
Zweibaum Movie  
INSTANT/PHISICS — RELAP5 couplingA. Epiney, C. Rabiti, Y. Wang, J. Cogliati, T. Grimmett, P. PalmiottiINL
Beta F90 Version StatusNolan AndersonINL
RELAP5-3D Fluid Properties ModificationsDoug Barber, Lance LarsenInformation Systems Laboratories, Inc.
RELAP5-3D Developmental AssessmentPaul D. BaylessINL
RELAP5-3D Analyses Supporting HTTF DesignPaul D. BaylessINL
Summer 2011 INL internship project Pygmalion conversion 90/95Joseph BrooksINL
RELAP5 and CASLPeter CebullINL
RELAP5 and CASLPeter CebullINL
Multipliers for Single-Phase Heat Transfer Coefficients in RELAP5-3DCliff DavisINL
RELAP5-3D Software Licensing UpdatesGary W. SmithINL
Hybrid Capsule Assembly for Irradiation TestingDonna P. GuillenINL
Brian DurtschiINL
Adam ZabriskieUtah State University
Heng Ban 
IRUG Member Meeting  
RELAP5-3D Architecture and StyleDr. George L MesinaINL
RELAP5-3D 2011 Solver ImprovementsDr. George L MesinaINL
Recent Applications of RELAP5-3D at GRNSPGN. MuellnerUniversita Di Pisa
Using RELAP5 to Analyze Pressure Relief Systems for Noncondensable GasesJoe PalmerINL
RELAP5-3D Activities at the ENEA – SIMING LabC. Parisi, E. Negrenti, M. Sepielli[UTFISST-SIMING]
A. Del Nevo[UTIS-TCI]
RELAP5-3D Uncertainty AnalysisA.J. Pawel and Dr. George L. MesinaINL
Advanced Neutronics: PHISICS projectC. Rabiti, Y. Wang, G. Palmiotti, A. Epiney, A. Alfonsi, H. Hiruta, J. Cogliati, T. GrimmettINL
VHTR Modeling and Experimental Validation StudiesRichard R. SchultzINL
Mars Hopper ProjectPresented by: R. SchultzINL
Work done by: Steven D. Howe, Robert C. O鈥橞rien, William Taitano, Doug Crawford, Nathan Jerred, Spencer Cooley, John Crepeau, Steve Hansen, Andrew Klein, James Werner
Texas A&M RCCS Experimental Facility RELAP5-3D SimulationsRodolfo Vaghetto, Yassin A. HassanTexas A&M University
Introduction to mPowerJason WilliamsBabcock&Wilcox
RELAP5 International Users Group Meeting and SeminarJ. R. WOLFINL
LWR Sustainability (LWRS) Program Status UprateDr. Hongbin ZhangINL
A Pilot Framework for Modern Reactor System Analysis CodesHaihua ZhaoINL
Salt Cooled High Temperature Reactors and Porous Media Flow Modeling in RELAP5-3DNicolas Zweibaum, Per F. PetersonUniversity of California, Be

For additional information please contact:

          James R. Wolf
          RELAP5-3D Program Manager
          Idaho National Laboratory
          P.O. Box 1625
          Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3870
          Email: [email protected]


Papers and Presentations from the West Yellowstone Meeting

The 2010 RELAP5 International Users Seminar September 20-23, 2010 West Yellowstone, Montana. The following list of presentations that were presented at the conference. Click on one of the following titles to view the presentation.

For additional information please contact:

James R. Wolf
RELAP5-3D Program Manager
Idaho National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3870
Email: [email protected]

3D nodalization performances of MASLWR ITF by RELA5-3D v2.4CLiff DavisINL
Accuracy Based Generation of Thermodynamic Properties for Light Water in RELAP5-3DPeter Cebull, Glenn RothINL
Air Cooling Analysis of an ATR Fuel Element Using RELAP5 and ABAQUSRonaldo SzilardINL
CASL – The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water ReactorsKareem Awny AlyBabcock & Wilcox Canada Ltd.
Circulating Flow Inside the Bundle of a Vertical Condenser Under Low Flow RateCristhian Galvez, Nicolas Zweibaum, Per PetersonUniversity of California, Berkeley
Design and Analysis of the PB-AHTR using RELAP5Ed Harvego, Richard R. Schultz, Ryan CraneINL
DTSTEP – Development of an Integer Time Step Algorithm  
HTTF Analyses Using RELAP5-3DPaul D. Bayless 
Industry Use of Thermal Hydraulic CodesRobert P. MartinINL
IRUG Member Meeting  
Measurements of Version 3George L. MesinaINL
OECD-NRC Benchmark based on NUPEC PWR Subchannel and Bundle Tests (PSBT) – comparisons among RELAP5-3D v2.4.2, RELAP5-Mod3F. Fiori, A. Petruzzi, A. Kovtonyuk, A. Del Nevo, C. Parisi, F. D—AuriaUniversita— Di Pisa
PVM Coupling Junction ComponentGeorge L. MesinaINL
RELAP5 Analyses of a Deep Burn High Temperature Reactor CoreHongbin Zhang, Michael Pope, Haihua ZhaoINL
RELAP5-3D Flexible Wall Component Fluid Property ImprovementsGlen A. Mortensen, Doug Barber, Dan PrelewiczInformation Systems Laboratories (ISL), Inc.
RELAP5-3D Software Licensing UpdatesGary W. SmithINL
The use of RELAP5 in the structural verification of a Swedish NPPThomas Probert 
The use of RELAP5 in the structural verification of a Swedish NPPThomas Probert 
Use of RELAP5-3D at GRNSPG0-UNIPIC. Parisi, A. Kovtonyuk, C. Matteoli, M. Cherubini, A. Del Nevo, F. D‚AuriaUniversita— Di Pisa
Video – 2D_POW_LDLOCAA. Del Nevo, C. Parisi, F. D—AuriaUniversita— Di Pisa
Video – Hot Channel 1DDavid L. AumillerBMPC
Video – Test Tresca and Deformed  
Viscous Stress Terms for the RELAP5-3D Momentum EquationsAdam Kraus and George MesinaINL
Water Packer Nearly-Implicit SchemeRich RiemkeINL

Papers and Presentations from the Idaho Falls Meeting

Papers and Presentations from the Park City Meeting

The 2009 International RELAP5 Users Seminar was held August 10 – 12th in Park City, Utah. The following is a list of presentations from the conference. Click on one of the following titles to view the presentation.

For additional information please contact:
Dr. James R. Wolf
RELAP5 Program Manager
Idaho National Laboratory
PO Box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID 83415
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: (208) 526-7725

Paper TitleAuthorsOrganization
Summary of features contained in the new Fortran 90 code verstionSharpe 
RELAP5-3D in Fortran 90George L.MesinaINL 
3D Reactor Kinetics Upgrades to RELAP5-3DDoug BarberISL
3KEYRELAP5 – Improvements and Applications, AbstractIgor ArshavskyWSC
Use and Applications of RELAP5-3D© at the San Piero a Grado Nuclear Research Group of the University of PisaDel NevoUniversity of Pisa
NGNP Applications of RELAP5-3DSchultz/SharpeNGNP
Viscous Effects in RELAP5-3DRaymond C. Wang, George L. MesinaU.C. Berkeley, INL
Natural Convection cooling of the GTL-1 Experiment in the Advanced Test ReactorDonna Post GuillenINL
ATR Experience with Attila™ – UpdateD. Scott Lucas, Sebastien FrandINL, CEA
Space ReactorsLucas 
Institutionalize Card 1 Option 3Rich RiemkeINL
Application of RELAP5-3D to an Innovative Sodium Cooled ReactorHongbin ZhangINL
RELAP5 Comparisons With COMSOL Outcomes for a Simple Hot Spot Evaluation in HFIR, AbstractLeeTschaepe
Dr. Arthur Ruggles
RELAP5-3D Developmental Assessment ResultsPaul Bayless
Doug Barber
Snap Automated Testing Framework for the RELAP5-3D Developmental AssessmentDoug Barber
Paul Bayless
Conservation of Fluid Mass and Energy by RELAP5-3DDuring a SBLOCA Abstract Cliff B. DavisINL
Conservation of Fluid Mass and Energy by RELAP5-3DDuring a SBLOCA Cliff B. DavisINL
Streamlined Electronic PRocess for Generating RELAP5-3D Input Models AbstractS. B. CaseyBMPC
Streamlined Electronic PRocess for Generating RELAP5-3D Input ModelsS. B. CaseyBMPC
Enlargement of the Assessment Database for Advanced Computer Codes inRelation to the WWER Technology:  Benchmark on LB-LOCA Transient in PSB-VVER FacilityA. Del NevoUNIPI
Recent RELAP7 DeveopmentsDr. Robert NourgalievINL
RELAP5-3D Licensing and Export ControlCharity FollettINL

Papers and Presentations from the Idaho Falls Meeting

The 2008 International RELAP5 Users Seminar was held November 18 – 20, 2008 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The following list of presentations is in the chronological order in which they were presented at the conference. Click on one of the following titles to view the presentation.

For additional information please contact:
Dr. James R. Wolf
RELAP5 Program Manager
Idaho National Laboratory
PO Box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID 83415
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (208) 526-7725

Paper TitleAuthorsOrganization
Coupled Thermal-hydraulic and Neutronic Model for the Ascó NPP using RELAP5-3D/NESTLEL. Batet, R. Pericas, E. Morales, F. ReventósUPC
Towards the development of Thermal-Hydraulic Models aimed at the Auxiliary Systems Design in Nuclear Fusion TechnologyL. Batet, L. Sedano, C. Queraltó, E. Mas de les Valls, J.Fradera and F. ReventósUPC
Three-dimensional Neutron Kinetics/Thermal-Hydraulics VVER1000 Main Steam Line Break Analysis by RELAP5-3D© codeA. Frisani, C. Parisi, A. Del Nevo, F. D’AuriaUNIPI
Outline of the Assessment Activities by RELAP5-3D© performed at University of Pisa: Post-Test Analyses of PKL-III, PSB-VVER AND ROCOM Facilities ExperimentsA. Del Nevo, M. Cherubini, A. Spadoni, C. Parisi, F. Moretti, F. D’AuriaUNIPI
Atucha-2 PHWR three dimensional neutron kinetics coupled thermal-hydraulics modelling and analyses by the RELAP5-3D©C. Parisi, A. Del Nevo, O. Mazzantini, F. D’Auria, K. IvanovUNIPI
RELAP5 Analysis of Two-Phase Decompression and Pressure Wave PropagationNathan N. Lafferty, Martin L. de Bertodano, Victor H. RansomPurdue
A System Analysis Code to Support Risk-Informed Safety Margin CharacterizationNam Dinh, Vince Mousseau and Robert NourgalievINL
Verification and Validation of Corrected Versions of RELAP5 for ATR Reactivity AnalysesCliff B. DavisINL
Stratified Flow Phenomena, Graphite Oxidation, and Mitigation Strategies of Air Ingress AccidentChang OhINL
Assessing the RELAP5-3D Conduction Enclosure ModelL. D. McCannBAPL
INL Experimental Program to Support Validation of CFD CodesHugh M. McIlroy JrINL
Real Time Models in 3KEYMASTER Simulation EnvironmentOussama AshyWSC
U.S. LWR Sustainability ProgramRonaldo SzilardINL
RELAP5 Analysis of Two-Phase Decompression and Rarefaction Wave Propagation under a Temperature GradientNathan Lafferty, Martin Lopez de Bertodano, Victor H. RansomPurdue
The Use of RELAP5-3D for Subchannel Analysis of SFR Fuel AssembliesMatthew J MemmottMIT
Experimental RELAP5-3D Time Step ImprovementsGeorge L. MesinaINL
RELAP5-3D in Fortran 90George L. MesinaINL
Lunar Fission Surface Power Design – Relap5 Point KineticsD. S. LucasINL
Status of Attila for the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR)D. S. LucasINL
NGNP Methods: Summary of Approach and PlansCarlos ParisiINL

Papers and Presentations from the Idaho Falls Meeting

The 2007 International RELAP5 Users Seminar was held November 7-8, in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The following list of presentations is in the chronological order in which they were presented at the conference. Click on one of the following titles to view the presentation.


For additional information please contact:

James R. Wolf
RELAP5-3D Program Manager
Idaho National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3870
Email: [email protected]

Welcome & IntroductionRichard R. SchultzINL
Evaluation of Fluid Conduction and Mixing Within a Subassembly of the Actinide Burner Test ReactorCliff B. DavisINL
Non-Condensable Gas Solubility ModellingJ. Downing and S. LockleyRolls-Royce
Experience Using RELAP5-3D for Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor Analysis, the Good and the Not So GoodFloyd E. DunnANL
Progress Report: Fortran 90 ConversionGeorge L MesinaINL
RELAP5-3D Versions and AccountingNolan AndersonINL
GAMMA Code for NGNP Air Ingress AnalysisChang OhINL
RELAP5-3D Developmental Assessment PlanPaul Bayless
Doug Barber
SCDAP/RELAP5-3D – A Mechanistic Tool for Severe Accident AnalysisJoy RempeINL
Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package (SNAP)Glenn RothKAPL, Inc.
Joshua Hykes
Riley Cumberland
Donna Guillen
NGNP Methods: Summary of Approach and PlansRichard R. SchultzINL
Idaho National Laboratory