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High Performance Computing

About HPC

INL’s HPC resources provide scientific computing capabilities to support efforts in advanced modeling and simulation. These resources support a wide range of research activities, including multiscale multiphysics performance analysis of nuclear fuel, materials in harsh environments , and existing light water and advanced nuclear reactors.

INL HPC computing resources are available to industry, universities, national laboratories and federal agencies to support published and openly available research and development. Access is generally granted for research related to the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy and INL’s mission areas.

Our Systems


  • 99,792-core HPE SGI 8600
  • 394.875 TB total memory
  • Mellanox Infiniband EDR Enhanced Hypercube
  • Rocky Linux 8
  • LINPACK: 5600 teraflops


  • 20,160-core Dell PowerEdge distributed memory system
  • 94.5 TB total memory
  • OmniPath
  • Rocky Linux 8
  • LINPACK: 1000 teraflops


  • 108 A100
  • LINPACK: 1000 teraflops

Contact Us

Please direct all HPC-related questions to [email protected].

Idaho National Laboratory