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Partnerships and Business Engagement

INL has transferred technology to external partners for many years and offers partners access to the Labs’ science, people and infrastructure. Collaborations with industry, small businesses, universities, and government agencies on emerging technologies support INL’s primary mission for the U.S. Department of Energy and bring new technologies to the marketplace.

Browse the fact sheets below.

Working with INL

Working with INL

INL provides significant partnership and educational opportunities to establish successful and prosperous relationships within the laboratory framework.
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General Information

Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Research (ARPA-E)

Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Research (ARPA-E)

A summary of INL’s new and ongoing ARPA-E projects.
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Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)


Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA) facilitate the commercialization of federally developed technology.
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Industry & Technology Deployment

Industry & Technology Deployment

In support of U.S. industrial competitiveness, INL works to deploy and transfer the discoveries and inventions created at the Lab.
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INL Licensing Process

INL Licensing Process

Licensing INL technologies allows a business to reproduce, manufacture, sell or use INL-developed or owned intellectual property.
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Strategic Partnership Projects at INL

Strategic Partnership Projects at INL

SPPA contracts the performance of work, such as research and development, applied engineering or technical services, for sponsors outside of the Department of Energy.
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Doing Business with INL

Doing Business with INL

Whether your challenge involves nuclear energy, national and homeland security, or clean energy, INL may be able to help you further your research.
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User Facilities

User Facilities

User Facilities INL runs three major user facilities open to the international community connecting INL facilities to national and international industries, universities, and other national laboratories.
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Idaho National Laboratory