11th International Workshop on the Dual Nature of f-Electrons 2025
Non-U.S. citizen registration deadline: March 1, 2025 (allowing time to process paperwork for INL site tour, 30-person limit)
U.S. citizen registration deadline: March 15, 2025
This workshop aims to provide a venue to discuss discoveries and progress on the nature of f-electrons in various correlated materials. The fascination with these materials results from the “dual nature” of the f-electrons, which highlights the strong local correlations. The electrons of the partially filled 4f- or 5f- shells mainly preserve their localized atomic characters but strongly modify their properties that depend on long-ranged coherence of wave functions. The strong Coulomb and spin-orbit interactions create a complex and highly correlated electronic state whose response is controlled collectively by the outer-shell electrons. This complexity generates a rich spectrum of physical states and exotic behaviors that pose the most challenging questions in today’s condensed matter physics. Such complexity is generally regarded as a resource because it opens up possibilities for new functionalities and therefore novel technical applications. The central challenges in this area are to predict and control material properties, characterize them with a broad spectrum of measuring methods, and develop a quantitative microscopic understanding of the theory.
The workshop explores emerging areas in strongly correlated quantum matter as exemplified by f-electron systems. Topics include but are not limited to:
· Understanding the relationship between chemistry, crystal structure, and electronic and magnetic properties that could form the basis for materials design.
· Exploring new quantum phases as well as their cooperation, coexistence or competition in real-end applied materials.
· Interpreting experimental data from depth- and time-resolved spectroscopies.
· Concepts and methods for theoretical approaches from combined first-principles and many-body perspectives.
We invite you to contribute and participate in a workshop devoted to debating and discussing the future directions of research and collaborations in the field.
International Advisory Committee
Andrea Severing (University of Cologne, Germany)
Eteri Svanidze (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Gertrud Zwicknagl (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)
Peter Riseborough (Temple University, USA)
Shin-ichi Fujimori (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Tuson Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Organizing Committee
Krzysztof Gofryk (INL, chair)
Peter Riseborough (Temple University, co-chair)
Dayna Daubaras (INL)
Rory Kennedy (INL)
Sabin Regmi (INL)
Volodymyr Buturlim (INL)
Email: [email protected]
History of the International Workshop PDF
Hotels: Coming soon
- May 19 - 22 2025
- 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Residence Inn
- 635 W Broadway St, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/idari-residence-inn-idaho-falls/overview/ -
(208) 542-0000
Idaho National Laboratory
Next Event
- May 19 2025
- 10:00 am - 11:00 am