Idaho National Laboratory transitions to ‘minimum-safe plus’ status

May 20, 2020


IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — In light of the secretary of Energy’s message to maximize telework for the safety of employees and the community at large, and in consideration of the recent state of Idaho “Stay Home” order applicable statewide, Idaho National Laboratory will transition to “minimum-safe plus” status.

This status means that only select mission critical employees will continue to work on-site to make progress on INL’s highest priority objectives. In addition, INL’s security, fire department, and emergency management will be maintained along with Continuity of Operations functions. Approximately 1,000 employees will continue to report to work at INL facilities. Simultaneously, about 3,900 employees will continue to work remotely.

“We have moved to a minimum-safe plus status to do all we can to protect our staff and our community, while still serving the nation’s needs,” said INL Director Mark Peters. “INL has been anticipating and making contingency plans for this rapidly evolving situation. We have worked closely with the Department of Energy and other government sponsors to redefine the work that’s truly essential given the changing circumstances.”

INL’s Continuity Emergency Response Group (CERG) has been fully activated, and the transition to minimum-safe plus includes the following:

  • Only essential staff will physically report to work at INL facilities. INL senior leadership will notify essential employees.
  • Buses will operate regularly through the weekend. Beginning on Monday, March 30, there will be a limited bus service schedule, which will be communicated to essential employees.
  • Employees are being asked to telecommute to the extent possible, and nonessential employees will not be allowed into INL facilities.
  • Cafeterias will remain open to support essential staff, but only grab-and-go meals will be available. In-town cafeterias and coffee kiosks are closed.
  • Any essential INL staff returning from travel (business and personal) outside the state or from a county in Idaho with confirmed community spread must self-quarantine for 14 days.

At this time, no INL employees have tested positive for COVID-19.

A special section has been added to the laboratory’s website with additional guidance and resources for employees and the public. For more information, visit


About Idaho National Laboratory

Battelle Energy Alliance manages INL for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. INL is the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development, and also performs research in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and the environment. For more information, visit

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Posted May 20, 2020

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Idaho National Laboratory