INL awarded Technology Commercialization funding for 13 projects

June 26, 2019


INL awarded Technology Commercialization funding for 13 projects

Idaho National Laboratory has received funding awards for 13 projects proposed to the Department of Energy’s Office of Technology Transitions Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF). TCF was created in 2005 to promote promising energy technologies across DOE’s national labs. Overall funding awarded by DOE this cycle totals over $24 million across 12 national labs. INL was the most awarded laboratory with 13 winning proposals, receiving $2.18 million in TCF funds and equivalent matching funds from partners for a total of $4.36 million in funding.

Each project was selected for its potential to advance promising commercial energy technologies and strengthen partnerships between INL and private sector companies to deploy energy technologies to the marketplace.

Topic 1 projects identify technology maturation activities to attract a private partner. Each Topic 1 project is matched with nonfederal funds from a private sector partner or through the INL Royalty Fund. INL’s Topic 1 winners are:

Switchable Solvent Water Extraction for Material Processing and Isolation, $150,000

  • Principal Investigator: Aaron Wilson, Energy & Environment Science & Technology
  • Partner: Trevi Systems

Computer Programs for Analysis of Thermally Reactive Tracer Tests in Geothermal Reservoirs, $150,000

  • Principal Investigator: Mitchell Plummer, Energy & Environment Science & Technology
  • Partners: Geothermal Science, Inc. and Ormat, Inc.

Full-set Transformer Protection Barrier Manufacturing and Technology Commercialization Demonstration, $125,000

  • Principal Investigator: Todd Johnson, National & Homeland Security

Idaho National Laboratory Wireless Project, $150,000

  • Principal Investigator: Kurt Derr, National & Homeland Security

Advanced Manufacturing of Electrochemical Sensors for Molten Salt Applications, $75,000

  • Principal Investigator: Prabhat Tripathy, Nuclear Science & Technology
  • Partners: Boise State University and Inflex, LLC

Fabrication of Near-net-shape Metallic Components from Oxides, $75,000

  • Principal Investigator: Prabhat Tripathy, Nuclear Science & Technology
  • Partners: Boise State University and Inflex, LLC

High Temperature Next Generation Compact Heat Exchanger Development Using Additive Manufacturing Techniques with Embedded Sensor Capability, $150,000

  • Principal Investigator: Isabella van Rooyen, Nuclear Science & Technology
  • Partner: NuScale

Advanced Flow Meter for Extreme Environments (AFMEE), $100,000

  • Principal Investigator: Piyush Sabharwall, Nuclear Science & Technology
  • Partner: MicroNuclear

Rapid Field Chemical Detection Method of Actinides, $42,500

  • Principal Investigator: Catherine Riddle, Nuclear Science & Technology

Scintillation Hydro-Gel for Isotopic Neutron Emitters (SHINE) Neutron Detection Material for Nuclear Reactor Monitoring Systems, $37,500

  • Principal Investigator: Catherine Riddle, Nuclear Science & Technology

Neutron Spectrum Generator, $75,000

  • Principal Investigator: Wade Scates, Nuclear Science & Technology

Topic 2 projects cooperatively advance a lab-developed technology in collaboration with a private sector partner to bolster commercial application. Each Topic 2 project is matched with funds from a private sector partner. INL’s Topic 2 winners are:

Application of Advanced Preprocessing Technologies for Biopower and Biobased Products, $300,000

  • Principal Investigator: Jaya Tumuluru, Energy & Environment Science & Technology
  • Partner: Lignetics, Inc.

Highly Dynamic Electronic Work Instructions for Advanced Reactors, $750,000

  • Principal Investigator: Johanna Oxstrand, Nuclear Science & Technology
  • Partner: GSE Systems


About Idaho National Laboratory

Battelle Energy Alliance manages INL for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. INL is the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development, and also performs research in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and the environment. For more information, visit

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Posted June 26, 2019

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Idaho National Laboratory