Developing an implementation plan

Developing an implementation plan

You’ve narrowed in on specific technologies and have explored how each would function for your system. Now, you need to pick a technology and develop a specific implementation plan. Key considerations may include:

  1. Regulations:
    • Assess federal, state, and industry standards and regulatory requirements.
  2. New Locations and Facilities:
    • Study the history of land use and the surrounding community.
  3. Employee Readiness:
    • Ensure employees are educated and comfortable with maintenance and operations plans.
    • Determine if hiring is necessary to fill any new roles.
  4. Cost:
    • Identify financing options.
    • Develop short and long-term operation management plans.
    • Plan for software updates and associated costs.
    • Plan for predictive maintenance and associated costs.

Funding resources to support developing an implementation plan

Engaging community in modernization planning

Community engagement is a crucial aspect of the planning process for grid infrastructure modernization. Utilities must involve the communities they serve in the decision-making process to build trust, foster transparency and ensure that the modernization efforts align with the needs and values of the community. Click below to explore community engagement resources. 

Contact Us

Katie Carnahan, INL Communications

Idaho National Laboratory