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As the birthplace of peaceful nuclear power, Idaho National Laboratory has been pioneering safe, reliable energy since 1949. Now – at this critical point in human history – we must meet our growing energy needs in an environmentally responsible way. As you help us define the future of our nation’s energy, we offer you spectacular benefits:


  • Relocation packages including help selling your home.
  • Competitive health-care options.
  • 3+ weeks of personal leave your first year, and flextime to promote work-life balance.
  • 10 paid holidays and annual work curtailment from Christmas through New Year’s.
  • 9×80 or 4×10 work schedules for more Fridays off.
  • Generous 401(k) including 4.2% upfront INL contribution and additional matching.
  • Resources available to assist in spouse or partner employment


  • Professional development plans to support your career growth.
  • INL is the home of EBR-I, the first nuclear plant to generate usable electricity.
  • 52 nuclear test reactors were designed and constructed at INL.
  • The Advanced Test Reactor is the only U.S. reactor that can provide large-volume, high-flux neutron irradiation.
  • Ongoing research areas include the Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program, the development of advanced fuels and next-generation reactors, and radioisotope power systems for the space program.


There’s a reason Idaho is the fastest-growing state in the country. Check out all the adventures that await you!

Looking for a new place to call home? Idaho Falls is the fifth-most affordable city in America

Nature lover? There are several national parks and natural attractions within 170 miles of Idaho Falls

Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Craters of the Moon, Herriman State Park, City of Rocks, and more!

Adventure seeker? Enjoy endless outdoor activities

World-class fly-fishing, hiking, skiing, hot springs and more!


Cody Permann

Modeling & Simulation Computer Scientist

Cody Permann

As a child, Dr. Cody Permann always had a fascination with understanding how things worked. He spent countless hours assembling computers from nothing but a case and a pile of components. His interest in the complexity of all the pieces working together in unison to function as one machine is similar to the work performed by researchers at INL, just on a much larger scale, which is made possible by Permann’s team.
“The work I do enables more complex modeling and higher fidelity simulations in studying all sorts of physical phenomena. The scientists and engineers we work with are able to use this information to build next generation products that are more efficient and safer to power our nation and developing countries.”

Audrey Peterson

Nuclear Reactor Operator

Audrey Peterson

INL Experimental Power Reactor operator Aubrey Peterson is proof that it’s never too late to follow your dreams. After five years of working as a hairstylist in several cities, the mom of three decided she was ready for change. Following in her father’s and grandfather’s footsteps, Peterson cut her last strands of hair and began pursuing a career as an engineer.

After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Wyoming, Peterson joined INL in February 2019. She helps with the operation of experiments at ATR, a world leading test reactor that studies nuclear materials, fuels and operations.
“Truly anything is possible if you have the will and the grit to do what you want to do. It’s very hard, but you can do anything.”

Briana Phillips

Health Physics Technician

Briana Phillips

As a health physics technician, Briana Phillips helps maintain radiological levels within INL facilities to ensure the equipment, environment and people stay safe. In her role, Phillips ensures that the lab’s facilities are safe for the individuals working inside of them, because ultimately, they’re her favorite part of the job.

According to her, there’s a unique camaraderie among her co-workers that can’t be found anywhere else. Every person looks out for one another because at the end of the day, “We all want to go home to our families the way we came in.”

Sebastian Schunert

Reactor Physicist

Sebastian Schunert

From early childhood, Dr. Sebastian Schunert has been fascinated by the potential of nuclear energy to provide emissions-free energy for our country and the world. At INL Dr. Schunert is using his computational science expertise to improve our modeling and simulation capabilities. His research is helping us develop a new generation of advanced nuclear reactors and power space missions. “There’s never a boring day working on nuclear energy research at INL.”

Brian Kajganich

Nuclear Facility Operator/Nuclear Technician

Brian Kajganich

As a nuclear facility operator at INL’s Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), Brian Kajganich handles special nuclear and irradiated materials from within a shielded hot-cell environment. Using specialized remote-handling equipment, his work helps drive innovative research in the nuclear field with applications around the world.

Kajganich’s affinity for his job begins with the new challenges it presents. Every time he touches a robotic manipulator, crane, cask or any piece of equipment, it’s like a new experience. No two jobs are alike. All technicians are trained to have respect for everything they handle both inside and outside of the hot cells.

Aaron Craft

Nuclear Engineer

Aaron Craft

Dr. Aaron Craft is one of the many researchers who help develop advanced nuclear fuels and instruments that analyze how the fuels perform inside of a nuclear reactor. Of all the things he loves about working at INL, Craft says the premise of being able to work on projects that have a positive impact on society is both motivating and gratifying.



Contact Information

Nuclear Jobs Staffing

Phone: (208) 526-5888

Idaho National Laboratory