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As 2023 comes to an end, we want to showcase many groundbreaking accomplishments carried out by our talented workforce at Idaho National Laboratory. INL is one of 17 national labs in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) complex, and home to more than 6,100 researchers and support staff focused on [...]

As 2023 comes to an end, we want to showcase many groundbreaking accomplishments carried out by our talented workforce at Idaho National Laboratory. INL is one of 17 national labs in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) complex, and home to more than 6,100 researchers and support staff focused on innovations in nuclear research, integrated […]

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Arizona State University (ASU) have agreed to expand their joint efforts in clean energy research for the next five years. An agreement signed in October establishes a framework for both institutions to develop low-carbon processes for the energy and manufacturing sectors. One joint project works [...]

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Arizona State University (ASU) have agreed to expand their joint efforts in clean energy research for the next five years. An agreement signed in October establishes a framework for both institutions to develop low-carbon processes for the energy and manufacturing sectors. One joint project works to improve and decarbonize methods […]

New shared language will facilitate faster service, improve EV user experience The National Charging Experience Consortium (ChargeX) has released a report that recommends 26 common electric vehicle (EV) charging error codes to enable faster error reporting, diagnostics and resolution within the EV charging industry. Ultimately, the codes would improve the [...]

New shared language will facilitate faster service, improve EV user experience The National Charging Experience Consortium (ChargeX) has released a report that recommends 26 common electric vehicle (EV) charging error codes to enable faster error reporting, diagnostics and resolution within the EV charging industry. Ultimately, the codes would improve the U.S. charging experience. The ChargeX […]

As the United States moves toward net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the nation will need a broad mix of clean energy projects to carry the load. To build these projects, developers must overcome any number of challenges including financing, siting and environmental regulations. Now, the Department of Energy (DOE) is [...]

As the United States moves toward net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the nation will need a broad mix of clean energy projects to carry the load. To build these projects, developers must overcome any number of challenges including financing, siting and environmental regulations. Now, the Department of Energy (DOE) is helping developers eliminate some of […]

As the world clamors for carbon-free power, U.S. nuclear reactor developers have responded with a multitude of advanced reactor designs. These reactors would produce efficient, flexible heat and electricity. Nuclear energy from light water reactors already ranks among the safest forms of energy production, and most advanced reactors will use [...]

As the world clamors for carbon-free power, U.S. nuclear reactor developers have responded with a multitude of advanced reactor designs. These reactors would produce efficient, flexible heat and electricity. Nuclear energy from light water reactors already ranks among the safest forms of energy production, and most advanced reactors will use safety systems that rely on […]

Whether it’s Edward Jenner, whose development of vaccines has likely saved billions of lives, or Marie Curie, whose theory of radioactivity helped unlock the mysteries of the atom, develop radiation therapy for cancer and create a carbon-free power source for the future, few endeavors wield as much power to change [...]

Whether it’s Edward Jenner, whose development of vaccines has likely saved billions of lives, or Marie Curie, whose theory of radioactivity helped unlock the mysteries of the atom, develop radiation therapy for cancer and create a carbon-free power source for the future, few endeavors wield as much power to change lives as that of the […]

Idaho National Laboratory is pleased to announce the opening of the 2024 Bright Future in Energy Scholarship competition. The program is open to 11th- and 12th-grade students interested in pursuing a postsecondary education and career focused on science, technology, engineering or math. With funding provided by Battelle Energy Alliance, the [...]

Idaho National Laboratory is pleased to announce the opening of the 2024 Bright Future in Energy Scholarship competition. The program is open to 11th- and 12th-grade students interested in pursuing a postsecondary education and career focused on science, technology, engineering or math. With funding provided by Battelle Energy Alliance, the lab expects to award a […]

As the United States works to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, different energy sectors will require different solutions. Renewables and nuclear energy will help decarbonize electricity production, and the light-duty transportation sector will reduce emissions primarily by switching to electric vehicles. Natural gas will continue to displace coal-fired power [...]

As the United States works to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, different energy sectors will require different solutions. Renewables and nuclear energy will help decarbonize electricity production, and the light-duty transportation sector will reduce emissions primarily by switching to electric vehicles. Natural gas will continue to displace coal-fired power plants as carbon capture and […]

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — Idaho National Laboratory has a long and rich history, dating back to its founding in 1949 as the National Reactor Testing Station. Over the years, the lab has played a major role in the development of nuclear energy and other technologies. Pieces of that history can [...]

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — Idaho National Laboratory has a long and rich history, dating back to its founding in 1949 as the National Reactor Testing Station. Over the years, the lab has played a major role in the development of nuclear energy and other technologies. Pieces of that history can be found in the most […]

Idaho National Laboratory secured a position in the 2024 Vault Top 100 Best Internships rankings. INL, the only national laboratory to make Vault’s list, earned the 89th spot on the overall top 100 rankings and was also ranked in five other categories. Our interns not only provided valuable insights but [...]

Idaho National Laboratory secured a position in the 2024 Vault Top 100 Best Internships rankings. INL, the only national laboratory to make Vault’s list, earned the 89th spot on the overall top 100 rankings and was also ranked in five other categories. Our interns not only provided valuable insights but also set a participation record. […]

Idaho National Laboratory