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In the classic baseball film “Field of Dreams,” Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) builds a baseball field in the middle of an Iowa cornfield, adhering to ghostly whispers that if he builds it “he” will come. Borrowing from the same script, the National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) is now designing and [...]
In the classic baseball film “Field of Dreams,” Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) builds a baseball field in the middle of an Iowa cornfield, adhering to ghostly whispers that if he builds it “he” will come. Borrowing from the same script, the National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) is now designing and constructing two fields, in the […]
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — Idaho National Laboratory has released the latest version of RELAP5-3D, a versatile modeling and simulation tool that predicts complex phenomena happening inside a nuclear reactor. This update is the first RELAP5-3D code release in five years. This latest version of RELAP5-3D is part of INL’s integrated [...]
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — Idaho National Laboratory has released the latest version of RELAP5-3D, a versatile modeling and simulation tool that predicts complex phenomena happening inside a nuclear reactor. This update is the first RELAP5-3D code release in five years. This latest version of RELAP5-3D is part of INL’s integrated computational strategy for accelerating clean […]
In early June a group of experts from around the world gathered at Idaho National Laboratory to complete an Integrated Research Reactor Utilization Review on the Neutron Radiography Reactor (NRAD). This review of one of INL’s lesser-known reactors helps researchers and management support strategic planning for NRAD. Neutron radiography is [...]
In early June a group of experts from around the world gathered at Idaho National Laboratory to complete an Integrated Research Reactor Utilization Review on the Neutron Radiography Reactor (NRAD). This review of one of INL’s lesser-known reactors helps researchers and management support strategic planning for NRAD. Neutron radiography is a technique used to study […]
Powering a remote zinc mine located roughly 600 miles northwest of Anchorage, Alaska, is a Herculean task. Governments and industry have taken a particular interest in remote arctic mining locations, not only because of the region’s vast mineral resources, but also because of shipping routes that are opening through the [...]
Powering a remote zinc mine located roughly 600 miles northwest of Anchorage, Alaska, is a Herculean task. Governments and industry have taken a particular interest in remote arctic mining locations, not only because of the region’s vast mineral resources, but also because of shipping routes that are opening through the ice due to climate change. […]
Transporting heat is an essential part of our daily life – from boiling a pot of water to creating complex carbon-free energy technologies that power our cellphones, laptops and home appliances. Nuclear energy, an example of heat transfer, has a proven track record spanning over 70 years. It currently provides [...]
Transporting heat is an essential part of our daily life – from boiling a pot of water to creating complex carbon-free energy technologies that power our cellphones, laptops and home appliances. Nuclear energy, an example of heat transfer, has a proven track record spanning over 70 years. It currently provides approximately 20% of the total […]
Idaho National Laboratory’s Frontiers Initiative will take center stage when climate scientists and policymakers from around the world convene at the 2023 Arctic Circle Assembly in October in Iceland. University partners and defense experts with INL-led Emerging Energy Markets Analysis (EMA) initiative will participate in panel discussions. They’ll highlight their [...]
Idaho National Laboratory’s Frontiers Initiative will take center stage when climate scientists and policymakers from around the world convene at the 2023 Arctic Circle Assembly in October in Iceland. University partners and defense experts with INL-led Emerging Energy Markets Analysis (EMA) initiative will participate in panel discussions. They’ll highlight their work on the INL Frontiers […]
For decades, light-water nuclear power plants have provided safe, reliable carbon-free energy in the United States and around the world. But in the early days of nuclear energy research, light-water reactors were just one of several promising reactor types. Nuclear energy pioneers also designed and tested high-temperature reactor technologies that [...]
For decades, light-water nuclear power plants have provided safe, reliable carbon-free energy in the United States and around the world. But in the early days of nuclear energy research, light-water reactors were just one of several promising reactor types. Nuclear energy pioneers also designed and tested high-temperature reactor technologies that use gas, liquid metal and […]
The race car driver careens around the track, narrowly missing the walls along the side. They make the turn expertly and quickly and slide across the finish line, wheels squealing as they hit the brakes. Excited spectators in the audience probably don’t realize that those brakes are able to operate [...]
The race car driver careens around the track, narrowly missing the walls along the side. They make the turn expertly and quickly and slide across the finish line, wheels squealing as they hit the brakes. Excited spectators in the audience probably don’t realize that those brakes are able to operate seamlessly around tight turns and […]
Imagine modern computing as the conductor of an orchestra. Just as a conductor brings harmony to a complex musical arrangement, modern computing is crucial to harmonizing the intricate mix of energy producers and users, optimizing the use of precious resources for the greater good. One strategy for establishing that harmony [...]
Imagine modern computing as the conductor of an orchestra. Just as a conductor brings harmony to a complex musical arrangement, modern computing is crucial to harmonizing the intricate mix of energy producers and users, optimizing the use of precious resources for the greater good. One strategy for establishing that harmony would pair the nuclear energy […]
Since the 1990s, Idaho National Laboratory has helped the Nuclear Regulatory Commission understand the safety and reliability of all U.S. nuclear power plants. Supporters of nuclear energy tout the safety and reliability of nuclear power, and data supports their claims. According to detailed studies, nuclear power accounts for 0.03 deaths [...]
Since the 1990s, Idaho National Laboratory has helped the Nuclear Regulatory Commission understand the safety and reliability of all U.S. nuclear power plants. Supporters of nuclear energy tout the safety and reliability of nuclear power, and data supports their claims. According to detailed studies, nuclear power accounts for 0.03 deaths per terawatt-hour of electricity generated, […]