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When it comes to cybersecurity research, the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Idaho have a relationship that dates back to the 1990s and was hallmarked in 2019 with the opening of the state-funded Cybercore Integration Center on INL’s Research and Education Campus in Idaho Falls. The center provides a place [...]

When it comes to cybersecurity research, the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Idaho have a relationship that dates back to the 1990s and was hallmarked in 2019 with the opening of the state-funded Cybercore Integration Center on INL’s Research and Education Campus in Idaho Falls. The center provides a place where researchers from the public […]

After five years of trying to find the right ingredients, scientists at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) believe they have created the perfect recipe to fuel the world’s first critical fast-spectrum molten salt reactor. The Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment (MCRE) at INL will test a new type of nuclear reactor [...]

After five years of trying to find the right ingredients, scientists at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) believe they have created the perfect recipe to fuel the world’s first critical fast-spectrum molten salt reactor. The Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment (MCRE) at INL will test a new type of nuclear reactor that uses a mixture of […]

Ten years ago, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a landmark initiative to boost innovation in nuclear energy development by using the technical expertise of the nation’s energy laboratories. The department established Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) to act as the matchmaker that connects nuclear innovators to lab [...]

Ten years ago, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a landmark initiative to boost innovation in nuclear energy development by using the technical expertise of the nation’s energy laboratories. The department established Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) to act as the matchmaker that connects nuclear innovators to lab experts and capabilities. Lori Braase […]

The Idaho National Laboratory has long benefited from employees who also serve as National Guard and Reserve members. Three lab employees were recently recognized for their efforts to support colleagues in these unique roles. The lab showcased its support by holding an awards ceremony for the employees. The event underscored [...]

The Idaho National Laboratory has long benefited from employees who also serve as National Guard and Reserve members. Three lab employees were recently recognized for their efforts to support colleagues in these unique roles. The lab showcased its support by holding an awards ceremony for the employees. The event underscored the importance of supporting those […]

Seventy-five years ago, the sweeping landscape of the Idaho desert over the Snake River Aquifer was a land of sagebrush, brown grass and lava rock. Today, the desert site facilities of Idaho National Laboratory are still home to sagebrush, brown grass and lava rock but also to of some of [...]

Seventy-five years ago, the sweeping landscape of the Idaho desert over the Snake River Aquifer was a land of sagebrush, brown grass and lava rock. Today, the desert site facilities of Idaho National Laboratory are still home to sagebrush, brown grass and lava rock but also to of some of the world’s most cutting-edge nuclear […]

As the traditional season of giving winds down, a few generous souls continue to serve those in need. Idaho National Laboratory (INL) employee Kris Egan of Rigby and his family are shining examples of what it means to be of service to their community. Since early 2023, Egan, his wife, [...]

As the traditional season of giving winds down, a few generous souls continue to serve those in need. Idaho National Laboratory (INL) employee Kris Egan of Rigby and his family are shining examples of what it means to be of service to their community. Since early 2023, Egan, his wife, Ashley, and daughter, Aubrey, have […]

There’s a reason that electric vehicles (EV) in salvage yards are kept by themselves and spaced far apart. Their lithium-ion batteries can hold a lot of energy, and if one catches fire, it’s sometimes hard for firefighters to extinguish the blaze. Even if the fire appears to be out, it [...]

There’s a reason that electric vehicles (EV) in salvage yards are kept by themselves and spaced far apart. Their lithium-ion batteries can hold a lot of energy, and if one catches fire, it’s sometimes hard for firefighters to extinguish the blaze. Even if the fire appears to be out, it can reignite later, said Randy […]

As companies worldwide switch from analog to automated digital industrial control systems, malicious cyber actors are finding new opportunities for extortion and mayhem. It’s happening in a range of industrial settings, from power stations to manufacturing plants, and it’s a growing problem in the aviation industry. In January, aircraft leasing [...]

As companies worldwide switch from analog to automated digital industrial control systems, malicious cyber actors are finding new opportunities for extortion and mayhem. It’s happening in a range of industrial settings, from power stations to manufacturing plants, and it’s a growing problem in the aviation industry. In January, aircraft leasing giant AerCap Holdings confirmed it […]

For the first time in seven years, Idaho National Laboratory and Idaho Falls played host to National Nuclear Science Week, which takes place the third week of October every year. Any U.S. city with a strong connection to the atom can apply to host the Nuclear Science Week national event. [...]

For the first time in seven years, Idaho National Laboratory and Idaho Falls played host to National Nuclear Science Week, which takes place the third week of October every year. Any U.S. city with a strong connection to the atom can apply to host the Nuclear Science Week national event. Much has changed since 2017, […]

As nations explore ways to reduce carbon emissions, nuclear energy is increasingly recognized as a safe, reliable option for coping with the increase in electricity use. Further, tomorrow’s advanced nuclear reactors are smaller and more flexible than today’s reactor fleet, which allows them to integrate more renewables with the grid, [...]

As nations explore ways to reduce carbon emissions, nuclear energy is increasingly recognized as a safe, reliable option for coping with the increase in electricity use. Further, tomorrow’s advanced nuclear reactors are smaller and more flexible than today’s reactor fleet, which allows them to integrate more renewables with the grid, provide heat for industry, and […]

Idaho National Laboratory