INL chooses cybersecurity company to participate in Mentor-Protege Program

March 18, 2022


INL News Release
March 18, 2022

Jeremy Johnson, 208-406-3191, [email protected]
Sarah Neumann, 208-526-0490, [email protected]

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — Battelle Energy Alliance has selected QED Secure Solutions to participate in Idaho National Laboratory’s Mentor-Protege Program. After an extensive review, the Texas-based company that focuses on cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection, emerged as the best candidate for the program. 

“This program accomplishes our goal of assisting small businesses to gain the knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to compete for Department of Energy contracts successfully,” said Stacey Francis, who oversees this program and manages INL’s Small Business Program.  

QED will work primarily with INL’s National & Homeland Security directorate to help expand and apply cybersecurity analysis to various sectors and systems. “Our quality of life, health and safety require that our critical infrastructures (e.g., energy, water, transportation) are secure and resilient. In addition, natural and manufactured threats continue to increase and require innovative solutions. QED Secure Solutions is a solid partner because they provide needed expertise in cybersecurity,” said Ronald Fisher, director of Infrastructure Assurance and Analysis.  

Working with National & Homeland Security is what drew QED to this program. “We know INL is working on solving some of the nation’s most difficult national security problems and having an opportunity to work with the nation’s top researchers and scientists at INL is a dream come true. The Mentor-Protege Program is a fantastic opportunity for a small cybersecurity business like QED and we’re grateful that INL selected us,” said Billy Rios, co-founder of QED Secure Solutions.  

Mentorship areas also include business planning, marketing, proposal development and quality assurance. “INL anticipates expanding the Mentor-Protege Program in the future as we identify small businesses that would make good strategic partners in the accomplishment of our missions,” Francis said. 

This program is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy.  

About Idaho National Laboratory

Battelle Energy Alliance manages INL for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. INL is the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development, and also performs research in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and the environment. For more information, visit

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Posted March 18, 2022

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