INL’s economic impact reaches communities across Idaho
With one of the largest payrolls in the state, INL’s economic impact is far-reaching and widely felt. Through its support for small businesses and economic development, Battelle Energy Alliance, the company that manages and operates INL, has a deep commitment to growth and prosperity, not just in eastern Idaho but across the state.
Accomplishments and data are from fiscal year 2022.
development grants

Reaching small business goals
INL reported another successful year partnering with small businesses to acquire goods and services needed to achieve its missions. In fiscal year 2022, INL spent $399 million with small businesses, a 25% increase over fiscal year 2021 reflecting the lab’s growth over the last year. This money makes up over 76% of the laboratory’s spending on goods and services.
The lab also exceeded all four socioeconomic spending goal areas: small disadvantaged, Historically Underutilized Business Zone, women-owned and service-disabled.
While the lab purchases materials all over the nation, there is a particular focus on supporting Idaho’s economy. This year, INL spent over $241 million with businesses within the state. Local businesses are a large part of accomplishing work daily, and the lab counts on small businesses for items from office supplies to highly technical reviews and analyses to our missions.

Small businesses instrumental in building nuclear research flagship facility
A new laboratory facility in Idaho is the most modern structural materials testing and analysis facility in the world, supporting the deployment of new nuclear innovations, life extension and long-term operation of the U.S.’s existing fleet of nuclear reactors, and new reactor concepts. The Sample Preparation Laboratory will also further enable industry and university collaboration, providing access to state-of-the-art mechanical testing and failure analysis characterization tools.

Economic development grants
Battelle Energy Alliance, operator of INL, awarded four technology-based economic development grants in fiscal year 2022.
Boise State University’s Institute for Pervasive Cybersecurity, $25,000
This program will provide cutting-edge training to rural communities across the state to sharpen the skills of those working on the front lines of cybersecurity.Idaho Women’s Business Center, $20,000
The Idaho Women’s Business Center will continue its efforts to support women, including those in underserved and rural communities, as they start and grow successful enterprises.City of Rexburg, $15,000
These funds will support efforts to create a maker space for eastern Idaho entrepreneurs to prototype their products and inventions.Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce, $10,000
This funding will assist in providing access to various veterans services, including education, housing, entrepreneurship, workforce management, family and wellness.

Tech-based grant provides cybersecurity assistance to rural communities
Most of us have been impacted by a cyberattack, whether we know it or not. Cyber adversaries aren’t just targeting major players on the world stage anymore; they are coming for rural America. These attacks can result in ransomware demands, and victims often do not have the resources to meet these demands or to prevent these attacks before they occur.

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